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  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [18]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 09 June 2022
    Emma Best AM: In 2017, TfL modelling suggested that 135,000 vehicles per day would use the expanded ULEZ and that was the justification for spending £130 million on the expansion. Fast-forward to today - or to November [2021] when we had the last stock of that - and you have 50,000 chargeable vehicles travelling within the expanded zone. That is a little over a third of where the estimated figure came in the forecast. Now, looking ahead to the London-wide expansion, TfL estimates that 87% of vehicles travelling within that zone will be compliant, leaving 13% that are not. There...
  • London 2036: an agenda for jobs and growth (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 01 July 2015
    James Cleverly AM MP: Thank you, Madam Chair. Prompted by Mr Knight, you mentioned more corporate involvement in the housing market and the provision of housing specifically for employees. Across the country, there are some significant examples where business owners have taken a very direct role in the provision of housing. I am thinking of Port Sunlight, Bournville, etc, where those - for want of a better word - early corporate entities recognised that they had a vested interest in the provision of good quality, local housing for the people working in their businesses. You mentioned the utilisation of pension...