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  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2023
    Siân Berry AM: Thank you very much, Chair. Mr Mayor, I want to start with you. I want to talk about the weight of traffic there is coming into London. This really is a burden on Londoners’ shoulders, and it particularly affects outer London near our strategic roads, where there is noise and there is pollution. Obviously there are different things causing that traffic, a couple of facts are I asked outer Londoners and they told me, one in four of them, that they felt forced to. n a car because of the lack of public transport services. But there...
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Siân Berry
    • Meeting date: 04 February 2021
    Siân Berry AM: Thank you very much, Chair. I want to start with Martin Machray if that is all right. I know that we have just discussed the fact that London has been behind in vaccinating the over-80s and the fact that there are differences between boroughs. It has, I think, been hard for both you and us to get up-to-date, detailed, borough-by-borough data collated at a London level, and I just wanted to check what your progress was on making that data available to us so that we can keep an eye on things on a more day-to-day basis...