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  • Mobile Phones on the Underground

    • Reference: 2005/0117-1
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 06 April 2005
    1)How much will it cost to implement your planned mobile phone use on a. Tube stations b. Tube trains? 2)Do you expect this scheme to be a cost burden on London Underground or a revenue raiser? How much do you expect it will cost - or will raise in revenue? 3)Do you propose charging mobile phone companies for access to mobile phone reception on the Tube or are you proposing another form of market mechanism or another form of mechanism altogether? If so, could you explain what it is. 4)Could there be health implications linked to reception provided for mobile...
  • Bromley

    • Reference: 2003/0412
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    In the most recent figures available for the Operational Policing Measure (July 2002) Bromley had the highest Borough total in the MPS with some 46% of police officers time being spent in a visible policing role - why is Bromley's figure so high when the MPS average is so low? .
  • CCTV - Outer London Buses

    • Reference: 2003/0409
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Following a recent incident on a 321 bus, where CCTV was vital to the investigation, what discussions have you had with TfL for the extension of CCTV to all outer London Buses? .
  • Officers in Bexley

    • Reference: 2003/0410
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Can you please explain why Bexley had 19 fewer officers at the end of October 2003 than the RAF target suggests? .
  • Bromley - Resource Allocation

    • Reference: 2003/0411
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Given that Bromley is the largest London Borough in terms of geography and population, should not these factors be of greater prominence in the Resource Allocation Formula to ensure that Bromley gets a fairer share of police officers than it currently receives? .
  • Bexley and Bromley

    • Reference: 2003/0413
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    A cursory analysis of the crime statistics suggests that there may be some level of crime displacement to Bexley and Bromley, from neighbouring boroughs, has any research been undertaken by the MPS on this issue? .
  • Operational Policing Formula

    • Reference: 2003/0414
    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Can you give an assurance that the Operational Policing Measure will not become a factor in the RAF which would punish those Boroughs, such as Bromley, who have higher officer visibility levels? .
  • Grant Settlement (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Is it not the reality that no amount of bluster, Lord Harris, can disguise the fact that this `disappointing" outcome, in the Commissioner"s words, to the negotiations represents a significant political failure by yourself as Chair of the Police Authority? Should that not lead you to consider firstly whether or not your position as a Labour Member of the House of Lords inhibits your ability to fight uninhibitedly for London's policing needs? Secondly, should you not also reconsider whether or not the professional judgement of the Commissioner might not have been better served if the lobbying was led by a...
  • Integration (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Would you accept that whilst there are indeed very good instances of joint working, the lack of resources available to the BTP, particularly on the overground railway network as opposed to those who are dedicated to the Tube system, means that generally it is impossible to sustain that kind of joint operation on a systemic basis on many of the railway lines in outer London? For example, I quote the persisting problem of vandalism on the Hayes line, which runs down through the London Borough of Bromley, where individual initiatives have worked for a short time but there have not...
  • Bromley (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    Would you accept therefore that that is a woeful acceptance of an unacceptable position? Would you concede that in fact people in Bromley probably think that 46% is not enough? What specific proposals will be brought forward to drive up the amount of time of visible public contact by police officers, not just in Bromley but across London as a whole?