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  • Fraud

    • Reference: 2012/0053-2
    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    I want to talk about the general issue of fraud, and then I want to get into a specific example. First of all, perhaps briefly, Deputy Commissioner, you could outline what the police are doing, what checks you have in place, to alert you to cases of potential fraud?
  • Borough Command Units (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    I just want to be absolutely clear on this, because you are saying there are a range of options, but the Metropolitan Police Service has a model, one Metropolitan Police Service model that has been approved by the MPS management board, which you have been consulting on, and in that model, the model has a basis of sharing chief superintendents across a number of boroughs. That is part of this model that you have consulted on, so it is one model that you are consulting on, not a range of options, is that right?
  • Front Counters

    • Reference: 2012/0045-2
    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Thank you. I want to move on to looking at some of the police estate issues. Craig, you were going to talk about that earlier. I wonder from this initial dialogue you have been having, though maybe I would call it mood music rather than perhaps dialogue, what are the common issues that are coming up so far particularly relating to front counters?
  • Borough Command Units (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Caroline Pidgeon (Deputy Chair): Specifically on this area, Craig, you are saying that this is still absolutely a consultation period that is going on but you could not confirm whether chief superintendent levels would stay at the borough commander. Is that really the case when we received an email in the last week relating to one borough, Southwark, where their newly appointed borough commander who was appointed with the firm intention to serve for three years has sadly emailed saying, 'As part of the budget cuts in response to the crisis, it has not been possible for the Metropolitan Police...
  • Trident Gang Crime Command (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    Caroline Pidgeon (AM): I just wanted to pick up a couple of things, following on from Val's question. The issue Val mentions of the seven stabbings, and one stabbing that resulted in somebody tragically dying in parts of Lambeth Kit Malthouse (Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime): Pimlico. Caroline Pidgeon (AM): -- I wonder if there is any more information you could give us in terms of extra resources and what you are doing, because there are clearly huge concerns in the community in that area, and it would be useful if you could give us a bit more information...
  • Reasons for your leaving TfL (Supplementary) [15]

    • Question by: Geoff Pope
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2006
    Was it your suggestion, the sums of money you were going to acquire as a consultant and the one-off payment? If you add up the sums, as far as we know, you will be earning in the first two years just as much as you were before, but working less. Was that your terms or was that the Mayor's terms?
  • Provisions of Consultancy (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Geoff Pope
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2006
    How will that work on the PPP? It is critical that that is renegotiated for the benefit of Londoners. You will be developing your thoughts and providing advice, but then your contract ends some two years before the actual negotiations. When the Mayor announced your position, he made it quite clear that the renegotiations for the PPP would be one of your key roles.
  • Provisions of Consultancy (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Geoff Pope
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2006
    Without your line responsibility, you will be able to get much more done in 90 days. When we take on board the fact that you said you had built the world's best management team for transport, it is starting to feel as though it is getting a bit overcrowded with expertise and the best guys around at the top there. We are concerned about this. Is there not a risk that the role of Commissioner, which was obviously important in the early days, is now getting rather squeezed?
  • Consultancy Benefits (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2006
    Do you understand our concern, Mr Kiley, that you are living in a house rent-free that according to the Mayor's figures could be rented on the open market for £2,000 a week? Up to the end of your tenure, that would actually bring in or save the taxpayer £250,000 specifically at a time when there are 60,000 families in temporary accommodation, and doctors, nurses, care workers, etc., cannot afford to live anywhere near their place of work. Is this not taking accommodation for key workers to ridiculous heights?
  • Reasons for your leaving TfL (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Geoff Pope
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2006
    I am interested to know what made you change your mind compared with a year ago and now. What has happened?