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  • Olympicopolis (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 11 March 2015
    Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): I have five minutes to talk about skills. Would you agree with me that a highly skilled local population is key to the future success of Olympicopolis ‑‑ Boris Johnson (Chairman, London Legacy Development Corporation): Yes, of course. Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): ‑‑ and a major driver in attaining the much-talked-about convergence across the Olympic boroughs and wider east London? Boris Johnson (Chairman, London Legacy Development Corporation): Yes. Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): We heard in February, Mr Mayor, when you and the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced devolution of further...
  • London Bomb Attacks (Supplementary) [21]

    • Question by: Sally Hamwee
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2005
    I know that borough leaders are aware of this, and perhaps there can be some liaison with the boroughs, as well, through the Association of London Government (ALG).
  • Post 11th September Precautions (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Elizabeth Howlett
    • Meeting date: 18 September 2002
    I want you to call a meeting here so that the Mayor and also the chairmen of these public bodies can brief us - the elected members of the GLA - on contingency plans for protecting London in the event of a terrorist act, or in fact of a strike of a public authority, which could render the capital inactive. This is very important and I think you should have this meeting instead of these odd little bits in answer to questions.