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  • Safer Neighbourhood Teams (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Len Duvall (AM): A number of boroughs have lost a number of staff, both civilian and police officers; you are talking about allocating the numbers that we have now from the recent Government grant, that is probably less than what they have lost through different ways. The figures I have seen, the figures provided by the Metropolitan Police Service, sorry, but you are talking about reallocating the smaller number of resources in terms of that, is this a new rough formula, the new policing model? What are we talking about? Are these the numbers that each borough is going to...
  • Relationship with Mayor's Office

    • Reference: 2010/0072-1
    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    How do you see the relationship between your department and the Mayor's office differing from that under the previous government and what prospect do you see for greater devolution to the Mayor and Assembly?
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    We are really talking about the Mayor's wants. Are there Government wants? You have outlined the Government vision around devolution and on the NHS strategic functions that are being taken back into Government and obviously Ministers will want to take stock. Is there not a case that some of those strategic aspects carried out by the Strategic Health Authority for London should not come under the Mayor's ambit? Is there any thinking about that going on in Government at this stage, or if not at this stage, at some stage in the future?