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  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Minister, one of the challenges that I think is going to be faced by the coalition Government is that the very people that you rely on to help you drive this localism are the very people who are going to be disempowered. I am thinking particularly of your civil service team; it is from their desks that the power is going to be taken. Is there a structural plan? Is there a mechanism in place to make sure that, after this initial set of proposals are put forward, there is a way of providing a constant review and maintain that...
  • Relationship with Mayor's Office (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    I have got a question about planning and the historic environment. We are just running out of time so I think the best way forward, Bob, is if I could invite you to join me in visiting the historic site of Shakespeare's first theatre. This is not in south London as people would think, but in Shoreditch. Why I would like you to do that is that you will then see the importance about planning at a local level, but also the need for some assurance to be given that a site like that could be preserved. I am just...
  • Kingsway International Christian Centre (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Thank you for what you said about land acquisition. I certainly welcome the settlement that has been made with KICC, as it is within my constituency, and it is right to see fair treatment to this organisation. The concerns I have are about the smaller communities, mainly the traveller communities. I know we are down the way with the resettlement of the Hackney traveller community, they were expressing concerns to me last week about members of other traveller communities within the five Borough Zone. I want you to reaffirm your commitment to ensuring that the traveller communities will get fair...
  • Mayor's Report (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 September 2006
    I've got three questions I would like to put to the Mayor. Can I just start off Mayor, by saying to you, in the words of one of my constituents, Roger Gillam, well done to you and TfL and all the staff. He talks about the fact that we in North East London are absolutely delighted that you have brought forward some of the planned work from phase two into phase one; that's excellent.
  • Mayor's Report (Supplementary) [32]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 September 2006
    No, I am going on to that, if you do not mind. The issue that he (Mr Gillam) has highlighted to me just last night in a four page letter is, you talked about the £2.1 billion and of course the revenue stream associated with that for the payback, but does that cover the necessary work that is needed in terms of extending the platforms? We would be unhappy if we're just going to stay with the three line track that exists; We would still be pushing for the four line alignment. Can we be assured that this package will...
  • Investing in Tobacco Companies (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 September 2006
    Can I just add to the statistics that you have got there, that I was at a conference two days ago, and what we learnt there, from the latest figures, was that tobacco companies need over 700 people a day ' this is young people, under 20 ' to start smoking, and that is why this is such a critical issue.