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  • RAF Northolt

    • Reference: 2017/5288
    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I note that RAF Northolt is about to undergo a £45 million renovation - without local consultation - which could pave the way for it to become a fully-fledged regional commercial airport. Despite a cross party coalition of MPs, AMs and 3,000 people in West London demanding answers on the MoD's intentions at Northolt, there is still no sign that they are willing to hold a proper consultation. What representations has the Mayor made to the Secretary of State for Defence to encourage him to hold a meaningful consultation with local residents?
  • Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 28 June 2017
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you very much. To go back to the most challenging issue and just briefly about what, Mike, you said around technology and when technology becomes available, we know that that is constantly evolving and speeding up in some cases. Val, in answer to the question from Assembly Member Bailey, you talked about how this document really is what is in the business plan we are concentrating on and you have no long‑term plans, but in the direction of travel of the document it is quite clear you are supporting the Assembly Transport Committee’s plans for road...
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs

    • Reference: 2010/0069-1
    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Will any forthcoming legislative changes ensure the maximum possible devolution of powers from Whitehall to London, both to the GLA and to boroughs as well?
  • Planning

    • Reference: 2010/0070-1
    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    The coalition government is keen to promote localism. How will boroughs be allowed to control planning in their areas?
  • London Assembly Powers and Resources

    • Reference: 2010/0071-1
    • Question by: Darren Johnson
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Does the Assembly have adequate powers and resources to fulfil its scrutiny and accountability role?
  • Relationship with Mayor's Office

    • Reference: 2010/0072-1
    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    How do you see the relationship between your department and the Mayor's office differing from that under the previous government and what prospect do you see for greater devolution to the Mayor and Assembly?
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Minister, you have talked about devolution to the boroughs as a whole. Recently I read the suggestion by a former Parliamentary colleague, Rob Hayward [former Member of Parliament for Kingswood], that perhaps there are too many London boroughs; currently there are 32, and some of them are rather small. He said that he had been an advisor to the Secretary of State when he was in the Shadow Cabinet. Are you aware that your Department might be looking at reducing the number of London boroughs?
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Andrew Boff
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Minister, the Act you referred to, which in 2007 gave the London boroughs and the residents of the Greater London area the right to serve up parish councils, also changed the legislation to the point where establishment of parish councils was removed from the Secretary of State and given to the primary authority. In a London context I am assuming that is the London boroughs. That would mean that the only requirement that a London borough would have if it was being pressured to set up a parish council would be to conduct a community governance review which could prevent...
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    Minister, one of the challenges that I think is going to be faced by the coalition Government is that the very people that you rely on to help you drive this localism are the very people who are going to be disempowered. I am thinking particularly of your civil service team; it is from their desks that the power is going to be taken. Is there a structural plan? Is there a mechanism in place to make sure that, after this initial set of proposals are put forward, there is a way of providing a constant review and maintain that...
  • Devolution to the GLA and Boroughs (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 July 2010
    We are really talking about the Mayor's wants. Are there Government wants? You have outlined the Government vision around devolution and on the NHS strategic functions that are being taken back into Government and obviously Ministers will want to take stock. Is there not a case that some of those strategic aspects carried out by the Strategic Health Authority for London should not come under the Mayor's ambit? Is there any thinking about that going on in Government at this stage, or if not at this stage, at some stage in the future?