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  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Mr Mayor, on 25 July there was an item on Crossrail in the private section of the TfL Board, which you chair, as well as the public section. Were any concerns raised? As Simon has outlined, the programme is building up and you are getting concerned. Were any concerns raised there about the possibility of delay in the opening?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Caroline Pidgeon
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Caroline Pidgeon MBE AM: Finally, time is money in the construction sector. There will inevitably be an additional cost with this delay. Who is going to be picking up that bill, is it TfL and Londoners or is it going to be the DfT?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Gareth Bacon MP
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Gareth Bacon AM: This is to the Commissioner, Mr Brown. What are the financial implications of this?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Florence Eshalomi MP
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Florence Eshalomi AM: Mike, obviously there are still major ambitions in TfL’s finances and the TfL budget in terms of Crossrail 2. TfL has said it will be able to pay for half of Crossrail 2. Do you think this would still be the case, given we are seeing a delay in Crossrail 1?
  • Lead off question - Delays to Crossrail (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Caroline Russell
    • Meeting date: 06 September 2018
    Caroline Russell AM: OK. I am going to ask Mike now. The status quo on Oxford Street is not OK. We know that urgent attention is needed to deal even with the current overcrowding, let alone with the overcrowding that will come from the new Crossrail passengers. Has TfL done a Healthy Streets check on Oxford Street in its current condition, and if not, will you?
  • City Operations Programme

    • Reference: 2011/0083-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    What are your priorities in relation to the London 2012 City Operations Programme, and what do you think the key challenges and risks will be?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    ): I am sure Members will have detailed questions on that wider experience and the work you are doing to keep the capital moving and so forth. All that good work though will be lost if the message does not get out that the wider Games experience has been a success. So I just wanted to start by concentrating on the narrow but important point of the non-accredited media and your arrangements around that, and I am sure the Members will widen it from there. As I understand it, there is about 20,000 or so expected on the accredited side...
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    Do you know how many, if any, privately-sponsored Live sites there will be in London in addition to ones that you are planning to have?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    Mr Coleman, you touched on it just at the end of your answer to Tony Arbour's question about the bulk purchasing power. Can we be assured that the prices in the Look Book will be no more expensive because we don't have a brilliant track record of monopoly suppliers giving best value to purchasers? Can we ensure we fully utilise our joint purchasing power to ensure those prices are not going to be any higher than would be normally available on the commercial market?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    I want to ask you about the bunting as well. Originally that was the only thing that was being proposed by you that I received with unalloyed joy because I thought, 'Here we are, outer London is actually going to get something. We are actually going to be able to celebrate something'. Now I hear it is some vast advertising campaign for the sponsors of the Olympics.