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  • Tourism in Outer London (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 04 November 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: I must say that all the foreign visitors I talk to, whether I know them well or not, complain about the large numbers in central London now. It is a buzzy city but it is also, they feel, very crowded, extremely busy and quite tiring. This is a well‑targeted question that Tony Arbour [AM] has put to you about outer London. Can I ask you what you are doing particularly? How much are you spending to encourage people to take a river cruise? Indeed, they will reach Tony Arbour’s constituency. Tony Arbour AM (Deputy Chairman): They will...
  • London's overseas reputation (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 04 November 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: Can I just ask you one or two more questions about the European dimension? It is right, is it not, that more Americans visit London as a tourist destination than any other European city? Is it also not correct that there is more trade done by this country - and by London, obviously - with Asia and with the Americas than, indeed, with Europe? My question to you, really, is: are you intending to ask a specific question in any survey you do of tourists particularly about the attractions of London as opposed to Europe or in...
  • Safer Transport Initiatives (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 03 December 2008
    Richard Tracey (AM): Can I say that the indications to me from my constituents is that they are absolutely overjoyed by the Safer Transport Teams and the effectiveness that they are having, and well done to the Metropolitan Police Service for providing them. My question is, to what extent are the Safer Transport Teams able to work very closely with the British Transport Police and also to respond to the live CCTV (closed-circuit television) coverage of some of the buses, particularly? The other thing is can you explain to me how many of the teams are equipped with the small...
  • Oral Update (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 03 December 2008
    This is a question for the Acting Commissioner. Acting Commissioner, various of my constituents have reminded me that one of the platforms on which we were elected to the Assembly in May was common sense policing in London. Can I put it to you, would you consider the definition of 'common sense policing' to include the infringement of deeply entrenched centuries old constitutional privileges of a Member of the House of Commons?