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  • Safer Neighbourhood Teams (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Len Duvall (AM): A number of boroughs have lost a number of staff, both civilian and police officers; you are talking about allocating the numbers that we have now from the recent Government grant, that is probably less than what they have lost through different ways. The figures I have seen, the figures provided by the Metropolitan Police Service, sorry, but you are talking about reallocating the smaller number of resources in terms of that, is this a new rough formula, the new policing model? What are we talking about? Are these the numbers that each borough is going to...
  • Neighbourhood Policing Changes (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Navin Shah (AM): I generally share some of the comments made about potential for either swallowing up or stampeding on the existing framework that might exist in the local areas or, possibility of the idea for both is not a bad one, but we will have to see what you actually come up with. The question to the Commissioner is, what timetable do you have for coming up with the whole framework for the board and, would there be any opportunity for any variation to adopt locally the right approach for the board itself for better accountability, better engagement?
  • Neighbourhood Policing Changes (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    Richard Tracey (AM): Mr Mayor, this is really a work in progress, as I understand it. I mean, you have not spelt out a great deal of detail to Steve O'Connell. This was something that was in your manifesto but you are intending to develop this over the next year or two years?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Thank you. My last question is about the budget. I understand that the budget has not been finalised, but you should surely realise that the reason we have so much concern around here is because we have not got any information. The job we are being paid to do is to monitor the delivery of the Games. We cannot actually monitor it if we do not have the budget, because we do not know whether you are going above it or below it. Now you have said that the budget that you have asked for is significantly higher than the...
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    I would like to know what plans are in place to make sure that the same mistakes do not happen again when there is a new Chairman appointed. I think it is very clear, certainly to me, that Mr Lemley has done much more damage to his own reputation by his extraordinary behaviour since he left, than could ever have been done by the involvement with the Games. I wanted to know how it was going to be made sure that whoever is appointed next time, and whoever is going to appoint them - presumably the Mayor and the Secretary...
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    I might have to ask elsewhere. Let us get it in context. We now know that he had expressed concerns - I think was your phrase - that the project was not on track. This is not a rogue member of the Board, this is the person who is the Chair of the Authority expressing those concerns. What specifically were the concerns that he raised?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Two questions. Firstly, would you agree that in the light of a major project such as this it would be surprising if it was not the case that there would be some changes in personnel and some clashes of personality along the way?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Bob Blackman
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Did you raise any of these concerns at meetings of the Board?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Bob Blackman
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Certainly when we had the appearance in front of the Assembly in the summer, I think everyone went away thinking, `This is tremendous, everything is on track'. This now seems to bring the confidence that we all had into some question. How can you give us assurances that things really are on track?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Bob Blackman
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Lord Rogers went on record last week criticising the process for the development of the stadium. He claims that the Mayor agrees with him. Does that not lend a tremendous amount of credibility to the fact that there are disputes going on already about the whole process?