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  • Knife crime in London (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 03 June 2015
    Thank you very much, Mr Mayor. I am very glad to hear that neither of you feels complacent about this issue. There were 188 knife crime injuries in the two boroughs that I represent [Lambeth and Southwark] in the last year and so clearly something is happening. There was an increase in the injuries. With the end of the old knife crime strategy, we all are looking for an initiative and a new pressure and a refreshing of the pressure on knife crime. The Commissioner talked at the Police and Crime Committee about the impact of drugs and alcohol and...
  • Knife crime in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 03 June 2015
    I just wanted to explore a bit more the interaction with gangs because you are right, Mr Mayor, that the anti-gang command or the new Trident Command, as it was, was launched at the end of 2011. Obviously, there would have been a bump in activity, arrests and convictions during the early part of 2012. Many of those gang nominals will have had, in my view, relatively paltry sentences and will be now re-emerging from the secure estate. What connection is there between them reaching the end of their sentences and re-emerging and this rise in activity, which may well...
  • Cuts to Policing (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 03 June 2015
    Mr Mayor, you and I have sat in this horseshoe now for just over seven years. Boris Johnson MP (Mayor of London): It has been historic. Kit Malthouse AM MP: During that time, the conversation and the questions from the other parties have never changed. Boris Johnson MP (Mayor of London): It has deteriorated. Kit Malthouse AM MP: It has always been, “You are cutting. It is a disaster. Things are going to get worse”, yet crime and the budget have inexorably fallen, together, in parallel. Do you think your victory in 2012 and the Government’s victory not a few...