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  • Olympics (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2005
    The Chief Executive (Manny Lewis) referred to the decision that the management are making, that the Board had in considering these issues. Could you advise me of the expected costs for surveyors and for legal advice for the land acquisition programme?
  • Skills (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    Is skills training as a responsibility too fractured in London? We share skills training issues with the five different Learning and Skills Councils. Is five LSCs too many for London? Is the compromise of sharing the process of skills training through FRESA and the London Skills Commission, while worthy, in the end probably a false compromise and should the LDA have the prime responsibility for skills training in London?
  • LDA spend (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    We know our place in south London, which is not to get very much money from the LDA. But I reckon under the new leadership of the LDA there is a greater emphasis upon south London and what is being done in Crystal Palace. It was not something that was easy to get across when you go and market the new EDS, because of the limited amount of resources that the LDA has to offer, when you are talking to a south London audience. Our team there was given a fairly rough time. I would like to ask something very...
  • Cleaner Neighbourhoods (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 21 May 2003
    I am always very pleased to hear positive comments about Croydon. I met with the wardens myself when I was out engaging with the good people of New Addington on Saturday afternoon. There was always a danger with mayoral candidates who inevitably have to pay brief visits to areas as to whether or not they get fully briefed.
  • Support for District Centres

    • Reference: 2002/0276-1
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    The Mayor's London Plan continues to predict that a growing number of commuters will be travelling from outer London into central London. Do you feel that this is a sustainable approach to take? Would, for instance, more support of major District centres such as Sutton and Croydon perhaps encourage a more sustainable growth for London, with two-way commuting taking place? .