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  • Cleaner Neighbourhoods (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 21 May 2003
    I am always very pleased to hear positive comments about Croydon. I met with the wardens myself when I was out engaging with the good people of New Addington on Saturday afternoon. There was always a danger with mayoral candidates who inevitably have to pay brief visits to areas as to whether or not they get fully briefed.
  • Support for District Centres

    • Reference: 2002/0276-1
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 13 November 2002
    The Mayor's London Plan continues to predict that a growing number of commuters will be travelling from outer London into central London. Do you feel that this is a sustainable approach to take? Would, for instance, more support of major District centres such as Sutton and Croydon perhaps encourage a more sustainable growth for London, with two-way commuting taking place? .
  • Outer London Boroughs

    • Reference: 2001/0098-1
    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    What support and service do you feel that you and your unit will be able to give to Outer London Boroughs seeking to re-invigorate district centres and develop key derelict sites? Specifically in South London what kind of action do you feel could be pursued to boost district centres like Norbury, Coulsdon, Purley, Worcester Park and Wallington that sit astride key FtL roads full of heavy traffic and to get development off the ground at key sites like the Croydon Gateway site at East Croydon? .
  • Strategic Development Locations (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    I think you share the Mayor's view of the efficacy of tall buildings particularly in the key transport nodal points. Obviously there is great sensitivity for those developments in Central London. What role to you think some outer London venues have in terms of acting as host to those type of tall buildings? I represent a constituency in South London where virtually the amount of development has been very limited during the 1990s but there is a great deal of space for that type of development. What role would you see perhaps for South London in fulfilling that Mayoral desire...
  • Strategic Development Locations (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 11 July 2001
    I suppose it will be an argument for sustainable development if you can get people to commute out in the morning and in the evening to some of these key suburban office sites. I represent Croydon which as you say perhaps has a false pride in terms of its tall buildings, desire for tall buildings, but it is perhaps in many ways a good opportunity to put some of the tall buildings that might fit in within a Manhattan style skyline in Croydon which might not suit necessarily next to St Paul's Cathedral.