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  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    I think, looking back at Beijing, the bar has been put very high, particularly by the athletes. I think we should not forget that something like 43 World Records and 120 Olympic Records were broken, so they certainly felt comfortable. It is probably the best answer for the Beijing bashers who suggested the air pollution may affect their performance; it probably enhanced it. Coming to the spectators' experience, what I found as a foreigner there was that it was actually much easier for me to get hold of a ticket and I think the Olympic Authority should look at their...
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Can I just say, first of all, I am very pleased you have been to Wimbledon to talk to them and to start to look at their ticketing because it is something that you, Paul, will know we are very proud of in South West London, the techniques that have been built up at Wimbledon. The question I want to ask you, though, in terms of lessons from Beijing is this one: there was, frankly, some disappointment expressed at the way London was symbolised at the Closing Ceremony in Beijing. I do not know whether you two were proud of...
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    You will have to forgive me for being easily confused but I am anxious about lines of decision taking and responsibility around some of the decisions that are being taken and, indeed, learning about who is taking those decisions. I have become a bit confused this morning. You talked about not being responsible for the ODA budget, that is nothing to do with you, and yet you are talking about decisions that will affect their budget. You, Lord Coe, have gone on record about there being certain legacy issues around the stadium, for instance, which will affect the budget and...
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Just watching the Games you got the impression that it was a very top-down operation. Obviously the authorities in Beijing were able to direct the activities of their population, even down to telling them that they could only protest in one particular park and that type of thing. London, as you know, is very much more complex and rebellious than that. What plans have you got in place to ensure the Games can take place without making it a completely claustrophobic event for the people who have to live and work here?
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Just following on from Navin's [Shah] comment, on the cultural side you mentioned in your opening remarks that 286 cultural events had taken place in the Cultural Olympiad, which is great. Have you got an indication of how many of those were run by the third sector and how many of them were run by ethnic minorities?
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Cultural diversity of London was seen as a great strength and virtue of our bid for London 2012, something which we understand clinched the success that we have had in getting the bid. What I would like to know is what progress has been made towards showcasing and promoting this unique strength that London offers and what is the current status of that?
  • Lessons Learned from Beijing (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Cultural diversity of London was seen as a great strength and virtue of our bid for London 2012, something which we understand clinched the success that we have had in getting the bid. What I would like to know is what progress has been made towards showcasing and promoting this unique strength that London offers and what is the current status of that?
  • Access to the Games (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Just on the lanes, would you agree with me that the 'Zil lanes' are likely to be the biggest PR problem for the Games in London, particularly when they are on and in the preparation up to them? What lessons are you learning from John Prescott's [Former Deputy Prime Minister] ministerial lane on the M4 and the public relations disaster that was? Also what contingency arrangements will you make for getting around London if, as I expect - and I obviously I represent large parts of Central London - there is some kind of protest from irate commuters, drivers, delivery...
  • Access to the Games (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Victoria Borwick
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    Just to follow up, although I have to say most of the questions on a particular point have been addressed; I think there were great concerns when we talked about this in our subcommittees about people who are mobility impaired as opposed to necessarily disabled. The idea of just having a buggy that people can order on demand or book on demand I do not think is satisfactory, and my question to you is to ask you to look again at the transportation of people, particularly late at night when the Games finish. We are not quite clear yet, as...
  • Security During Games Time (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 19 November 2008
    How confident are you in the competence of the Home Office to carry through all the security procedures that are going to be required with the many tens of thousands of volunteers that you are going to be using? I am referring particularly to Criminal Record Bureau (CRB) checks. Currently when police officers are being recruited, teachers are being recruited, social workers in Haringey are being recruited, it takes many months to go through all of this process and that is just normal everyday work. So, do you actually think the Home Office are up to it?