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  • EDL March

    • Reference: 2012/0054-2
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 25 October 2012
    The question, if I can start to the Deputy Commissioner, it is regarding the English Defence League (EDL) march planned for 27 October 2012, this Saturday coming, and its impact on the borough. It is planning to march in Waltham Forest, a borough I represent, its impact on Islington, the neighbouring borough, I also represent, but the other boroughs affected are Tower Hamlets and Newham. I wonder if the Deputy can just give us an update, knowing that the Metropolitan Police Service has now joined others, I have to say, from my point of view, a bit late in the...
  • Borough Command Units

    • Reference: 2012/0044-2
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Deputy, we know that a letter has gone from the Commissioner [Bernard Hogan-Howe] to local authorities with a document attached that sets out proposals about how savings might be made, including looking at management costs, supervision ratios and a number of areas. It also sets out a new model in policing terms and makes reference to a basic command unit which will vary in size and shape. Are you able to just help us with your definition about what a basic command unit is?
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Yes, Chair, thank you for that. I just wanted to clarify, and it is the point that Jenny has made. To so many people, when we talk about deaths in police custody, we include deaths associated with police contact. The public does not get into the sophistication of whether somebody died in the cell, it is if the police are there and they have arrested somebody or they have something to do with it and a death occurs, then that really is what is so alarming to us generally, to us all. If I could go specifically to members of...
  • Local Community Interests (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    Sorry, it is not about percentages. It is just: are you saying that there is a commitment and that we will not see boards made up of white men in suits?
  • Local Community Interests (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    It is just a quick one following on from the issues John (Biggs) has raised. This is about representation and perception. The ethnic diversity of London was, quite rightly, acknowledged within the bid, and our presentation team and the inclusion of the athletes made the work to date, if you like, ethnically representative. It does, however, concern me that if you look at the people now lining up to sit in the seats of power ' the ODA, LOCOG, the Olympic Board ' all I expect to see is white men in suits. Are you as concerned as I that...
  • Olympic Legacy (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    Thank you for that answer, Mayor, but I have three areas on which I would just like to pin you down. Can I just start with cultural education. I welcome that announcement that you have just made about the commitment following the Games for the maintenance of the Park, because it seems to me that we can judge whether an Olympics was successful in two ways: the gold medals and all their absolute wonder of the sport, and also we judge when we look back at where the Olympic Games were held, and what it is like there following the...
  • Olympic Legacy (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    I am sure you will get a lot of support for that position. Can I just move on then to health? Currently, Londoners are less physically active than the average for England, and certainly, London's children and young people have a higher level of obesity than other regions in England. A health impact assessment study commissioned by the London Health Commission has demonstrated the potential for the longer-term health benefits of hosting the Olympic Games. Could you just tell us, briefly, how can you ensure that these are delivered? What about health? How can we get the legacy for a...
  • Transport

    • Reference: 2005/0348-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    (a) Can you clarify how the ODA's powers of direction over TfL will operate? (b) If the ODA is able to fund major transport projects related to the Olympic Games, how will this affect TfL's current funding arrangements?
  • Olympic Cultural and Education Programmes

    • Reference: 2005/0364-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    Who will have responsibility for planning and delivering the cultural and education programmes of the Olympic Games?
  • North London Line Works

    • Reference: 2005/0365-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    Can you provide details of the works relating to the North London Line mentioned in Annexe 2 of Mayoral Approval Form MA2353?