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  • London 2036: an agenda for jobs and growth (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 01 July 2015
    James Cleverly AM MP: Thank you, Madam Chair. Prompted by Mr Knight, you mentioned more corporate involvement in the housing market and the provision of housing specifically for employees. Across the country, there are some significant examples where business owners have taken a very direct role in the provision of housing. I am thinking of Port Sunlight, Bournville, etc, where those - for want of a better word - early corporate entities recognised that they had a vested interest in the provision of good quality, local housing for the people working in their businesses. You mentioned the utilisation of pension...
  • Borough Command Units (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Thank you, Chair. Again, I am not quite sure who is probably best placed to answer this one, so I will throw it roughly halfway between and see who catches it. If we move away from having a chief superintendent as the nominated go-to person at borough level, I do not actually have any instinctive problems with that because of the huge variation of size of policing function borough by borough. It is going to mean that senior borough players - chief executives, borough leaders, other members of the partnership - will be dealing with someone of a lower rank...
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Thank you. I want to go back a couple of steps to the use of digital technology and video. There have been trials of body-worn cameras, which - on the figures I have had shared with me - indicate that they have reduced the amount of administrative time that those officers subsequently have had to get involved in, they reduce the number of complaints. What I would ask is what plans do you have in place to learn lessons from those trials and roll out body-worn cameras as widely as possible right across basically frontline policing? Stephen, I think.
  • Victims of Crime (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    James Cleverly (AM): Following up from Victoria's questions about particularly young victims of crime and their confidence in policing, and I do not want to go crashing into one of the issues we have later on, but we are going to be touching a little bit on disproportionality. From memory, from the feedback we get from the sectors of the community who are least confident interacting with the police, the young tend to be less confident than the older generation. Black and other ethnic minorities tend to be less confident than the white population. Specifically with young, potentially black victims...