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  • Leveson Inquiry (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 20 December 2012
    With your indulgence, Chair, I wanted to cover two things briefly. The first I think is to Stephen Greenhalgh, which is that he is the lineal successor to [Lord] Toby Harris AM, Len Duvall AM [former Chairs of the MPA and then Kit Malthouse AM [former Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime]. They exercised their roles predominantly as chairs of the MPA with many members. I just wanted to, if you like, punch the bruise of Tony Arbour's question, which is that understanding and defining your role -- and you are not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. However...
  • Resources (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    John Biggs (AM): Yes. If I can get away with that, I have four questions, but they should all be fairly short. The first is on early departures. Do you have a number of officers who have indicated that they want to go, but not until after the Olympics? Do you have the measure of that?