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  • What are the biggest challenges with regards to policing and crime in London, and how are you and the Metropolitan Police Service delivering for Londoners? Unconscious Bias in the MPS (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2021
    Léonie Cooper AM: I would like to start with the Commissioner, if I may. Becoming a police officer does convey a certain set of powers, so we need to be certain that the people who are going to exercise those powers are people who are fit and proper to do that and are trained, but also do not hold attitudes that would lead them to use those powers in an inappropriate way. Unfortunately, it is one of the things that women are looking at particularly, but we have also seen previous examples. The [investigation into the] [Stephen] Port murders show...
  • What are the biggest challenges with regards to policing and crime in London, and how are you and the Metropolitan Police Service delivering for Londoners? Police Funding (Supplementary) [32]

    • Question by: Krupesh Hirani
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2021
    Krupesh Hirani AM: My questions are relating to the impact of budgets and police funding. Firstly, to the Commissioner, this year the Government chose to freeze the wages of police officers earning more than £24,000, which is effectively a pay cut given inflation at the moment is at 4.1%. Sadly, we all know one of the negatives about living in our wonderful city is the cost of living and the impact that housing costs have on Londoners. What impact will freezing pay have on your workforce both in terms of morale - we all know about the representation of the...
  • What are the biggest challenges with regards to policing and crime in London, and how are you and the Metropolitan Police Service delivering for Londoners? Rise in Hate Crime (Supplementary) [35]

    • Question by: Sakina Sheikh
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2021
    Sakina Sheikh AM: Homophobic hate crime in this city continues to be a real concern with the number of incidents in recent months surpassing any previous month on record. We have heard from some of my colleagues around the rise in antisemitic incidents and I wanted to shed a specific light on attacks on East and South Asian Londoners, which obviously increased during the pandemic, which was not helped by hateful comments made by the former United States President. My question, first, to you, Commissioner, is: have you done any analysis as to why we are seeing such a rise...
  • What are the biggest challenges with regards to policing and crime in London, and how are you and the Metropolitan Police Service delivering for Londoners? Use of DVPOs, DVPNs and Clare's Law (Supplementary) [37]

    • Question by: Elly Baker
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2021
    Elly Baker AM: I have a couple of questions about domestic abuse for the Commissioner. We have very little time, though, just to let you know. If we could have short answers, that would be great. The first one is around the use of Domestic Violence Protection Orders (DVPOs) and Domestic Violence Protection Notices (DVPNs), as well as the use of Clare’s Law, which varies significantly across London. We are aware that in Barking there are twice as many DVPOs and DVPNs used and almost four times the amount of Clare’s Law right-to-know disclosures than in Barnet. Do you know...
  • Tackling Homelessness in London

    • Reference: 2018/0231
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2018
    How will the Mayor's 'No one needs to sleep rough in London' campaign and new London Homeless Charities Group contribute to reducing homelessness in the capital?
  • Vision for Old Oak Common (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2017
    Tom Copley AM: Thank you very much, Chair. I wanted to ask you about the levels of affordable housing and specifically the London Affordable [Living] Rent which is the Mayor’s new form of tenure that is going to be benchmarked at social rent levels. Are you going to have a target specifically for London Affordable Rent across the OPDC site?
  • Local Government Asset Sales

    • Reference: 2015/2220
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 15 July 2015
    Given the Government's proposals to force London's local authorities to sell high value assets, do you think the revenue generated should be hypothecated for building homes in the capital?
  • Housing supply

    • Reference: 2015/0112
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 21 January 2015
    In your Housing Strategy you outline that you "would like to see new arrangements for prudential borrowing for new housing so that it is not counted as Government debt, which would distinguish it from more mainstream public borrowing, along the lines that apply in much of the rest of Europe". What progress have you made in lobbying the government to implement this change?
  • Social Infrastructure

    • Reference: 2004/0197-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    Do you accept the view that the biggest difficulty facing the Thames Gateway is the social infrastructure (schools, hospitals, housing etc)? How do you plan to address this? .
  • Funding

    • Reference: 2004/0198-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    How will the creation of a UDC affect LDA funding streams and priorities in East London? .