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  • Leveson Inquiry (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 20 December 2012
    With your indulgence, Chair, I wanted to cover two things briefly. The first I think is to Stephen Greenhalgh, which is that he is the lineal successor to [Lord] Toby Harris AM, Len Duvall AM [former Chairs of the MPA and then Kit Malthouse AM [former Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime]. They exercised their roles predominantly as chairs of the MPA with many members. I just wanted to, if you like, punch the bruise of Tony Arbour's question, which is that understanding and defining your role -- and you are not stupid by any stretch of the imagination. However...
  • Financial reporting

    • Reference: 2012/0067-2
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 29 November 2012
    It is very simply stated that we have a commitment from the Mayor's Chief of Staff about the quality and quantity of financial information we will be receiving and it should not diminish. My exhibits are (a) Police and Crime Committee monthly report, one paragraph of financial information, which says I think diddly-squat is the accounting term, and (b) is MPA Finance Committee, Resources Committee, same time last year, 24-page report with tables with accurate information on the departures from the budget. That seems to me to be a bit of a departure from Sir Edward [Lister]'s undertaking. If I...
  • Police and Crime Plan (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 29 November 2012
    I had a process question, which is one of the reasons I am on this earth, or indeed on this Committee. It is about the Police and Crime Plan. I was really taken aback by something you said, Mr Greenhalgh, which is about how are you going to reach hard-to-reach groups. This is a statutory document, a statutory plan, it cements the relationship between you and him [The Commissioner] in a very public fashion. I had assumed you would have a plan, a project plan if you like, as to how you are going to roll this out. You have...
  • MPS Budget

    • Reference: 2012/0027-2
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 21 June 2012
    John Biggs (AM): One specific question, then a more general one. The specific one is, where are we now with the discussions on the funding of the Kirkin and Withern pieces of work (dedicated operations for responding to public disorder)?
  • Crisis Top-Up

    • Reference: 2011/0223-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    What conclusion should Londoners draw from the £30 million top-up of MPS funds in the final budget of the Mayoral term and the problems that it may be simply delaying?
  • Police Officer Investigations

    • Reference: 2011/0237-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Given existing OPM analysis, how many police officers were devoted to investigating the following offences on a) March 31st 2008 b) March 31st 2009 c) March 31st 2010 d) March 31st 2011 e) September 30th 2011 i. homicide and attempted murder ii. driving offences iii. possession of items to endanger life iv. possession of weapons v. firearms offences vi. firearms offences with injury vii. offences involving a blade or a point viii. offences involving a blade or a point with injury ix. violence against the person with injury x. corporate manslaughter xi. cruelty and neglect of children xii. harassment xiii...
  • Total Budget

    • Reference: 2011/0238-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    What was the total cost budgeted by the Metropolitan Police for the investigation of and prevention of the following offences in a)2007/8 b)2008/9 c)2009/10 d)2010/11 e) March - September 2011 i. homicide and attempted murder ii. possession of items to endanger life iii. possession of weapons iv. firearms offences v. firearms offences with injury vi. offences involving a blade or a point vii. offences involving a blade or a point with injury
  • Total Budget 2

    • Reference: 2011/0239-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    What was the total cost budgeted by the Metropolitan Police for the investigation of and prevention of the following offences in a)2007/8 b)2008/9 c)2009/10 d)2010/11 e) March - September 2011 i. Violence against the person ii. violence against the person with injury iii. violence without injury
  • Total Budget 3

    • Reference: 2011/0240-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    What was the total cost budgeted by the Metropolitan Police for the investigation of and prevention of the following offences in a)2007/8 b)2008/9 c)2009/10 d)2010/11 e) March - September 2011 i. sexual offences ii. rape iii. sexual assault iv. indecent assault v. trafficking for sexual exploitation vi. exploitation of prostitution vii. sexual offences against children
  • Total Budget 4

    • Reference: 2011/0241-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    What was the total cost budgeted by the Metropolitan Police for the investigation of and prevention of the following offences in a)2007/8 b)2008/9 c)2009/10 d)2010/11 e) March - September 2011 i. robbery ii. robbery of business property iii. robbery of personal property iv. burglary v. burglary in a dwelling vi. offences against vehicles vii. other theft