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  • Tackling Homelessness in London

    • Reference: 2018/0231
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 18 January 2018
    How will the Mayor's 'No one needs to sleep rough in London' campaign and new London Homeless Charities Group contribute to reducing homelessness in the capital?
  • Vision for Old Oak Common (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2017
    Tom Copley AM: Thank you very much, Chair. I wanted to ask you about the levels of affordable housing and specifically the London Affordable [Living] Rent which is the Mayor’s new form of tenure that is going to be benchmarked at social rent levels. Are you going to have a target specifically for London Affordable Rent across the OPDC site?
  • Local Government Asset Sales

    • Reference: 2015/2220
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 15 July 2015
    Given the Government's proposals to force London's local authorities to sell high value assets, do you think the revenue generated should be hypothecated for building homes in the capital?
  • Housing supply

    • Reference: 2015/0112
    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 21 January 2015
    In your Housing Strategy you outline that you "would like to see new arrangements for prudential borrowing for new housing so that it is not counted as Government debt, which would distinguish it from more mainstream public borrowing, along the lines that apply in much of the rest of Europe". What progress have you made in lobbying the government to implement this change?
  • Olympic Route Network (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 21 October 2009
    OK. The other thing around the ORN would be if you can confirm the discussions that you are having with local authorities about the enforcement regime. Will that be handed over to LOCOG or will the lead on the enforcement of the ORN rest with local authorities?
  • Budget and Venues Update (Supplementary) [24]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    Can I just firstly thank Peter for his interest in my constituents and ask David [Higgins], would he agree with me that there are clear issues that we have to stay on top of. For instance, the travellers have still got to be dealt with. I have seen information that is suggesting that monitoring is going on. What I am not seeing is any written evidence about that, so I think what you could do, certainly to help Peter, myself and others, is to actually release information about the monitoring. I think that would help the different bodies interested in...
  • Budget and Venues Update (Supplementary) [27]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    Hopefully by Christmas there will not be people living within the Olympic Park who will be subject to such immediate environmental challenges and problems. However, for the wider community, including people I represent across East London and including Jennette's [Arnold] constituency in Hackney and beyond, I think people would be a lot more reassured if we go back to the point that was made earlier about transparency; if there was a clear transparency about environmental information about dust levels and about pollution issues. I know I have been intimately involved in the issue about radioactive waste, for example, and I...
  • Legacy Master plan for the Olympic Park (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    OK. Can I just go back to Hackney. Hackney Wick station is the closest station to the future employment use in that location. However there are currently no plans to provide a direct pedestrian link. Don't you think it will be a missed opportunity if we can't get a direct link from Hackney Wick to the Olympic Park? I do not understand why this is missing and there has been pressure put but we can't seem to get any answer.
  • Legacy Master plan for the Olympic Park (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    I have a question pertaining to my area in particular and that is about the canoe venue which is going to be very near Enfield and Waltham Forest in the Lee Valley Regional Park. There have been reports this week that because the original site was contaminated, a new site may be having to be looked at. My question with legacy is this; I know with the original proposals Lee Valley Regional Park were putting in extra money, so there would be a real legacy for the area in terms of children being able to participate and a learning loop...
  • Mitigating the Games-time Environmental Impact (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    I do not think you were at the ODA at the time, but the last time the ODA representatives came to the Assembly's Environment Committee we were promised a sustainability plan across the whole of the Olympic family would be out soon. That is really what I want to hear about. When is that coming out, if ever? What are the main features?