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  • Equalities Issues

    • Reference: 2006/0366-1
    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    The total budget for equalities issues was reported to the MPA as £196 million at the Joint PPRC/Finance Committee meeting on 21st September 2006. Does this seem a little excessive to you and can you provide a breakdown of how this money will be spent?
  • Procurement (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 14 June 2006
    The good students of Malmesbury School might be interested to know that out of all this chaos we have a bunch of Assembly Members quizzing the man who is responsible for delivering the Olympic Games in London. By the time they are voters, the Olympics will be finished. The area of the Olympics will be regenerated, and there will be many jobs there. Mr Higgins has already said that he wants to put other people on the spot to make sure it is not just the Olympics delivering all of these benefits, but it is the whole regeneration of the...
  • Sustainable Management System (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Darren Johnson
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    If their input is going to be meaningful, it cannot be after the contracts have been let, and the horse has bolted, as it were. It also cannot just be producing more imaginative, visionary statements that do not translate into practical reality on the ground.
  • Privately funded developments/sustainability

    • Reference: 2005/0275-1
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2005
    How will you ensure that those developments being funded by the private sector (if any) will adhere to the sustainability promises made?
  • Binge-Drinking (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    -- 32% of licensed premises were found to be selling to under 18s. I am just wondering where that is in your priorities, and what resources you are putting in to that area?
  • Binge-Drinking (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    The final area I want to explore with regard to children - young people binge-drinking is underage drinking. I think from the figures that I have, the number of underage children that are drinking has remained about steady for the last 10 to 15 years, but the amount of alcohol they are drinking has almost doubled in that period, and also, you touched on this earlier, that alcohol-fuelled crime, and I know that from some of the operations that have taken place with the police and local boroughs that, for example, over the Christmas and New Year period, I understand...
  • Binge-Drinking (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    Obviously the police are not the sole practitioners anyway. A lot will fall on local boroughs as licensing authorities, and could you just tell me if there is any advice that you are giving to local forces as to how they deal with their local boroughs, and do you believe there are any gaps in London where that partnership is not working, and what advice are you giving to fill those gaps?
  • Binge-Drinking (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    On the issue of enforcing those licensing laws, can I just have your views about what effect you believe the new licensing laws will have in terms of effective policing and the use of police resources? Perhaps you could also tell us a little bit about whether you think the new Violent Crime Reduction Bill, which gives the police extra powers in respect of premises, will help you in that fight?
  • Crime and Disorder Partnerships (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    I was very keen to ask this question because I was hoping I would get that sort of answer, which is that I think there is a hell of a lot of good work in this area - and let us be very clear this is not a party political question because there are, I think when you are honest about this, Labour boroughs who are good, there are some who are less good, there are Conservative boroughs who are good and there are some who are less good. What worries me in your answer is that, whilst I agree...
  • Safer Neighborhood Teams (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 15 June 2005
    Commissioner, you mentioned again a term you used to use about the Balkanisation of policing services. You were always opposed to the accreditation of local authority run neighbourhood wardens or whatever term they use in parks police. Are you reconsidering that view, and will you allow accreditation in London as in the rest of the country?