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  • COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery in London (Supplementary) [17]

    • Question by: Unmesh Desai
    • Meeting date: 04 February 2021
    Unmesh Desai AM: Dr Jameel, the criteria for vaccination in the UK has been to protect the NHS. Other countries have prioritised younger people to support the economy. Is that strategy working? Is it the right one? The reason I am asking this question is that it is important that Londoners know and understand the scientific and medical evidence upon which we are working.
  • COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery in London

    • Reference: 2023/1481
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 04 February 2021
    Is London now receiving its fair share of COVID-19 vaccinations and can we be confident that it will continue to do so over the coming months?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Tony Devenish
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Tony Devenish AM: Thank you, Chair. Good morning. My question is to John Barradell. John, good morning and thank you for all the work you and all your borough teams have been doing with NHS partners, and the rest. It has been incredibly heart-warming to see the amount of work that has been undertaken by everybody across our public services. My question is not directly to do with the public services per se or indeed to do with the medical and economic emergency. I have seen, certainly since last Monday’s lockdown announcement, that morale amongst some Londoners seems to have...
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Léonie Cooper AM (on behalf of Jennette Arnold OBE AM): Thank you very much, Chair. It is quite ironic because Assembly Member Arnold’s question is about digital access, which she clearly does not have this morning at all. I wondered if I could ask John Barradell and possibly Fiona Twycross as well, between you, what the Mayor and local authorities can do to support digital access for Londoners, which has become so important during the pandemic for everybody, from young to old. Can I start with you, John, maybe?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you very much. My question is to John Barradell. In the first lockdown, it is quite clear that local authorities played a major role, albeit with some mixed messages coming from central Government about what they should be doing or not doing. What is different in the second wave in terms of some of the issues they were performing in getting food and prescriptions to people? You might identify other gaps in support that were taking place in the first lockdown.
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [15]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Léonie Cooper AM: Thank you, Chair. I would like to address my question to Deputy Mayor, Fiona Twycross and John Barradell. We have covered a lot of ground this morning; lots of different areas that we have looked at. I just wondered if you could set out, for the Assembly, what you believe are the main challenges and the most pressing issues for the SCG going forward? This is a bit of forward look. I know it is quite hard because we are still in the middle of everything at the moment, but it would be great if you could...
  • Economic Recovery in London

    • Reference: 2023/1478
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 23 July 2020
    What are the main challenges for London's economy as it emerges and recovers from the impact of COVID-19?
  • Economic Recovery in London (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 23 July 2020
    Léonie Cooper AM: Thank you very much, Chair. My question is to Jordan. Thanks very much for that introductory statement. Small and large businesses have had to adapt their business models, as you were pointing out, and all of their ways of working to deal with the pandemic situation since March. However, from September, they face the prospect of having to change their business models again to adapt to the changes that will come at the end of December with the no-deal Brexit. Carolyn Fairbairn [Director-General, CBI] has had a lot to say about the Brexit situation. I just wondered...
  • Economic Recovery in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Caroline Russell
    • Meeting date: 23 July 2020
    Caroline Russell AM: Thank you, Chair, and good morning, everyone. Thank you to this huge panel for joining us. I am only sorry I am not going to be able to ask questions to all of you, because there are things that I would like to ask each of you. There are a lot of representatives here from businesses and industry, and I want to make sure that we keep in mind today the people who are not in the meeting. That is the workers, the recently unemployed, the furloughed and the young people that this crisis is hitting the...
  • Economic Recovery in London (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 23 July 2020
    Peter Whittle AM: Thank you very much, Mr Chair. Good morning to the panel. My question I think I have to ask you all, and maybe someone can answer it. It is just about London’s - if you want to call it - cultural industry. I do not mean by that necessarily the creative industry. I mean in terms of theatre, in terms of performing arts, in terms of all the things that make up a huge part of London life and, of course, the economy. What are your views on the future of that? How do you see that...