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  • Risks associated with cutting police budgets (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 17 October 2012
    James Cleverly (AM): Thank you, Chair. I had hoped to subtly remind you that my understanding is that Members were here to ask questions of the Mayor and receive answers from the Mayor. Unfortunately, there have been a number of occasions where Labour Members have finished their line of questioning with a statement and you have curtailed the Mayor's attempts to answer the implied questions in those statements. If we are envisaging a change of standing orders where Members are allowed to make parting shots or closing statements, whatever you want to call them, perhaps you could inform the Assembly...
  • New Routemaster (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 23 May 2012
    John Biggs (AM): Can I request a personal explanation?
  • Oxford Street speed during Olympics (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 14 March 2012
    A point of order, Chair.
  • Meeting (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Gareth Bacon MP
    • Meeting date: 22 February 2012
    My colleague Victoria Borwick is very keen to come to her question, which is the next one on the agenda, so I am going to pull my question, Chair. I am withdrawing my question.
  • Outer London Regeneration Fund (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 18 May 2011
    Clearly, it is welcome to have a focus on outer London and my colleagues from Sutton and North Cheam are quick off the mark and have already, as it were, put in for some money even though you have not actually told people what the criteria is. But I, too, am concerned about your funding mechanism. It is one thing to take the money off taxpayers and to grant it to outer London boroughs. It is another to borrow because you have to pay the interest on the borrowing and you have to pay the money back. I am a...
  • Bonfire of Bureaucracy

    • Reference: 2007/0108-1
    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 07 November 2007
    How do you intend to fulfill the promise of a bonfire of bureaucracy?
  • Use of Statistics (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Angie Bray
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    Thank you. Can I turn to another set of statistics which I know that quite a number of your officers are busy out today collecting across London? I myself saw a census point as I came to work and I know other colleagues have seen them as well. We are not due a national census for another two or three years as I understand it, so what is this census as a result of which so many of your officers are involved in pulling cars over this morning?
  • Use of Statistics (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    Thank you for that. I think a lot of it is also about public perception but also what other people say. I heard on the Today programme once Glen Smythe who is the Chair of the Metropolitan Police Federation saying, `The level of crime reported is far below that which really happens and the whole process is underplayed for political reasons'. I am link member on the MPA for Kensington and Chelsea and the Chair of the Police and Community Consultative Group (PCCG) there is constantly concerned with regard to, say, carnival that the level of reporting of crime is...
  • Use of Statistics (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    Would you, Commissioner, please comment on the misuse of statistics yesterday by the Mayor who said of the police force in Kingston that they were 14 times more likely to stop black people than white people, and that black people in Richmond were 13 times more likely to be stopped than white people? Would you explain how this has occurred and make it crystal clear that there is absolutely no question that the police in both of these fine Boroughs are doing anything which could conceivably be said to be discriminatory?
  • Transport Safer Neighbourhood Teams (2) (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    I agree with that wholly and Members will recall indeed we proposed a budget amendment at this year's budget debate to provide more policing in suburban London. My concern is that many outer London boroughs in the south of London do not have London Underground service at all, or indeed anywhere near them. Whilst policing on the buses is extremely important, in the commuter areas it is actually the overground rail and the stations and the trackside which is of importance. As you have just said, the public do not make much distinction about which type of uniform the police...