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  • Mayor's manifesto commitments (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Florence Eshalomi MP
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2016
    Florence Eshalomi AM: Good morning, Deputy Mayor. You may be aware that one of the things the Government was supposed to announce in the Autumn Statement was the whole announcement around the buy-as-you-go thought to help more people get on to the housing ladder. Do you think that would help in addressing the London housing crisis?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Florence Eshalomi MP
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Florence Eshalomi AM: Thank you, Madam Chair. Good morning to you, Commissioner, and Mr Mayor. I just wanted to go back to some of the points raised by Assembly Member Bailey in terms of the night Tube. The first two lines are coming in in less than six weeks from today, and I am very happy that one of them will be going through my constituency, the Victoria line. I just wanted to go back to some of the points that you raised, Commissioner, in terms of the impact of the 24-hour licence, and this is an issue that has...
  • Balance of Taxation (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Stephen Knight
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2012
    Stephen Knight (AM): To pick you up on the point you have just made around the high property values in London, compared, I believe with most other developed countries, we have very few property and wealth taxes in this country; we predominantly focus on income and sales taxes. I just wondered to what extent you think the high cost of housing in London is partly driven by the fact that it is a tax free growth area for people, by which I mean it is a tax free investment and therefore that has partly driven the speculation that has driven...
  • Balance of Taxation (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2012
    Goodness me. I think this is a very worthwhile debate although it may seem a bit arid to some observers and we need to make sure we do not get too academic about it. Would you agree with me that around the world probably the single greatest source of income for city governments tends to be, in one shape or form, from properties? You have said a couple of times now that property taxes are so visible and so potent that virtually all political parties play 'chicken' with each other. Well, the opposite of 'chicken'; they are scared to look...
  • Balance of Taxation (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2012
    Nicky Gavron (AM): While we are on land and talking about the planning system, currently the Assembly's Planning Committee is looking at the community infrastructure levy (CIL). That is, to a certain extent, a fixed charge, although there are lots of complications because it is set different in different boroughs and there is not necessarily a duty to cooperate and so on. On top of that is the Mayor's own CIL. I was wondering, this CIL is for Crossrail, but is the Commission going to look beyond that to the way CIL might be used by the Mayor in the...
  • Tax Devolution (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2012
    In the same spirit, how far are you going to frame for the Mayor any of the mechanisms he might be thinking about for the comprehensive spending review for London?
  • LFPA Statement of Investment Principles (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 17 January 2007
    You can see from the questions that you have been asked today this is clearly a hot topic for us, and also, as politicians, we are very concerned about the issue of openness and the public knowing. So far this aspect has not been in the annual report, that is other information that I have. Is that not true? This is something you bring in to the annual report or is it simply that it is the first time you have had it so it has not happened yet?
  • LFPA Statement of Investment Principles (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 17 January 2007
    Then I would like to conclude by pushing you to go further and to be public with people like us and, indeed, the 70,000 contributors so that in things that, as it were, I get, I can see you living out what you say your policy is, which is in the question, that you are progressively improving over time. Currently, I do not see that, and I think you should.
  • LFPA Statement of Investment Principles (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 17 January 2007
    Judging from your answers, some of the information I have here that I was going to ask you about is completely erroneous, and I am going to be delighted if you tell me I am completely wrong. I would like to follow on from my colleague Mike's [Tuffrey] excellent line of questioning on openness. The feeling is generally that there is not as much openness from you as there are from other companies who have got the same sort of ethical and socially responsible stance. Can I clarify; you commented on the voting record, however my understanding is that although...
  • LFPA Statement of Investment Principles (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 17 January 2007
    Thank you, and I welcome you and thank you for coming. This is an important topic if not one that the media particularly get very excited about. This question is all about socially responsible, ethical investment, and you will be aware that there is quite a debate as to whether there is a choice to be made between returns and ethics. My own view and what is behind this question is that if one is positively engaging - which is, I think, what your strategy is - then the two agendas come together, because the long term sustainable return is...