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  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [21]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    Susan Hall AM: Thank you, Chair. This is to Mary [Harpley]. I am sorry if the precise figure was mentioned earlier but I did not catch it if it was. Niran [Mothada] specifically referred to the commitment to the Green New Deal. If I recall, the Mayor put aside or committed £50 million to it at the last minute in the budget in February. Can you confirm what level of funding you are looking at for this at the moment given our uncertain finances, please?
  • Dissolution of LFEPA (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Fiona Twycross
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2015
    Fiona Twycross AM: I wanted to correct the impression that was given that the way it has been operating at the moment has been simply about opposition Members [on LFEPA] getting at the Mayor. The fact is that the Mayor has insisted on managing by Direction even when there has not been an impasse, including on issues over which there has been cross‑party agreement by LFEPA Members. I just wondered if you could focus a little bit on what impact the Mayor’s insistence on management by Direction has had. To be honest, we have had Directions on all sorts of...
  • Dissolution of LFEPA (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: Chairman, probably this is one for you as the politician of the two of you. The fact is, surely, that government, particularly local government, has been changing very considerably over recent years. That is accepted. The straight point to you: is it not correct that perhaps LFEPA in its current form is out of date and past its sell‑by date, really?
  • New Technology (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Fiona Twycross
    • Meeting date: 02 December 2015
    Fiona Twycross AM: We obviously have to make sensible use of resources in the face of cuts. Some of the new technology that could come online is really interesting and will offer exciting possibilities, but do you agree with the Londoner who contacted me yesterday to say that £283,000 for a website rebuild is bordering on scandalous?
  • City Operations Programme

    • Reference: 2011/0083-1
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    What are your priorities in relation to the London 2012 City Operations Programme, and what do you think the key challenges and risks will be?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    ): I am sure Members will have detailed questions on that wider experience and the work you are doing to keep the capital moving and so forth. All that good work though will be lost if the message does not get out that the wider Games experience has been a success. So I just wanted to start by concentrating on the narrow but important point of the non-accredited media and your arrangements around that, and I am sure the Members will widen it from there. As I understand it, there is about 20,000 or so expected on the accredited side...
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    Do you know how many, if any, privately-sponsored Live sites there will be in London in addition to ones that you are planning to have?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    Mr Coleman, you touched on it just at the end of your answer to Tony Arbour's question about the bulk purchasing power. Can we be assured that the prices in the Look Book will be no more expensive because we don't have a brilliant track record of monopoly suppliers giving best value to purchasers? Can we ensure we fully utilise our joint purchasing power to ensure those prices are not going to be any higher than would be normally available on the commercial market?
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    I want to ask you about the bunting as well. Originally that was the only thing that was being proposed by you that I received with unalloyed joy because I thought, 'Here we are, outer London is actually going to get something. We are actually going to be able to celebrate something'. Now I hear it is some vast advertising campaign for the sponsors of the Olympics.
  • City Operations Programme (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 20 July 2011
    Mr Coleman and Mr Fihosy, you have both touched on a number of programmes that will be happening next year. Clearly there is the Olympics itself on a number of sites in and around London. There is your own programme of welcoming people and programmes that you know of at your Live sites. There are events that local authorities are putting on. There are events which local authorities are facilitating and by that I think of Jamaica celebrating 50 years of independence, Trinidad and Tobago also wanting to celebrate 50 years of independence, Brazil wishing to celebrate the fact of...