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  • Review process of LDA funding (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Will you just confirm, for the record, that I passed on a casework complaint to you, Manny, in 2005 regarding the Green Badge Taxi School and we had a considerable amount of correspondence; and that as a result there was an external audit commissioned of the organisation and the grant that was given? In response to that, you called in external legal advice and you sent a copy of that to me finally in April 2007, and at that time I felt that you had dealt with the complaint as thoroughly as could be done at the time.
  • Range of Housing (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2007
    It is very good to see a clear commitment in the Housing Strategy, not just to deal with these issues of supply/quantity, but also address issues of quality. Perhaps one issue that Dee has left out of that long list of points about diverse supply etc, is the question of lifetime homes. Now, there was very clear statement in the London Plan, and it is here again in the Housing Strategy, that we would like basically to see all new homes meet a lifetime home standard and we would like to see a significant number - 10%, I think -...
  • Range of Housing (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2007
    Do you think the Mayor would be interested in seeing the housing association sector restructured somewhat in London, to avoid some of the problems of lack of economies of scale and fragmentation that we see at the moment that undermine the quality of housing and estate management?
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Yes, I think it has been consequent on the Licensing Act that has given an opportunity to reduce the administration, so that is very helpful. The other small glitch we had is that there was a planning application, you might not have a note on this, from Capel Manor. Although that horticultural facility was supported during the master planning process by Bromley, there has been the small local planning application which has subsequently gone in, and has been turned down by Bromley. I certainly want to see that resolved. Are you committed to getting that resolved and keeping Capel Manor...
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Well, thank you very much for that very clear commitment. I have to say that the project is extremely popular and there have been two very good consultations in the area, which have raised expectations. The fact that there have been these glitches has caused concern, because nobody in the area wants to see the LDA walking away, because clearly it is a big and difficult project and the community groups in the area have put in a lot of time and effort. Indeed, they are meeting the Mayor this morning about the project. As I said, there have been...
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Thank you very much. I am pleased for that, because in fact the animal farm there, the petting zoo, which is part of this project, was the single most popular feature in the park that people wanted to see reopened. It was one of the things that made the park a children's park. Andrew Pelling AM: I was very grateful, Chair, for a letter I received from the Chief Executive a month ago reassuring me that the LDA remains very committed to ensuring the best regeneration of this park, although I am still a little bit disconcerted that in many...
  • Crystal Palace Park

    • Reference: 2006/0211-1
    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    The decision by Sport England not to fund the replacement of the Sports centre, and the block placed by English Partnerships on demolishing the existing Sports Centre has had a profound effect on the phasing and outcomes of this project - will you restate your proposals in summary for the public record and re-iterate your commitment to restoring and regenerating the park?
  • Funding Agreements (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2005
    We all want a successful Games and obviously we all want an efficient and value-for-money Games, so can I just ask you a little bit more about the financial control processes and the auditing, at two levels? Firstly, as I understand it ' and correct me if I am wrong ' the precept that the GLA will be collecting towards the Olympic project, possibly up to £600 million, and that would be financially accounted for by the GLA's Finance department. Can you tell us a bit more about how deep that accountability will be and whether or not there is...
  • LDA spend (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    I think we all appreciate that the LDA is making its financial allocations according to strategy, but you have already mentioned this morning that sometimes there is an element of demand and you have to pick up the pieces, and I think we are all grateful for the help at Crystal Palace. There is a particularly fragile local regeneration project at Streatham, which is a complex project, as you are probably aware. There is great concern that either this project may not come off or that there may be a long and, in our view, horrendous gap in the provision...
  • Defibrillators

    • Reference: 2002/0302-1
    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 December 2002
    What plans are in place to extend the use of defibrillators and oxygen support? And what plans are in place to introduce a first responder and a co-responder scheme across services in London? .