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  • Review process of LDA funding (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 16 January 2008
    Will you just confirm, for the record, that I passed on a casework complaint to you, Manny, in 2005 regarding the Green Badge Taxi School and we had a considerable amount of correspondence; and that as a result there was an external audit commissioned of the organisation and the grant that was given? In response to that, you called in external legal advice and you sent a copy of that to me finally in April 2007, and at that time I felt that you had dealt with the complaint as thoroughly as could be done at the time.
  • Legacy Master plan for the Olympic Park (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    The second question is to Manny Lewis. As you know, the Eastway cyclists vacated their site at Eastway after 32 years on the promise that they were going to be given replacement facilities. Now I know you sent out a press release about the cute little newts the other day, but the fact is that you knew about the newts in November 2006 because you were told about them by London Borough of Redbridge, and it seems to me that you have just been dragging your feet. My main concern is that the replacement facilities that you put in place...
  • Skills Legacy (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    My concern is the real deprived communities; the ones that are just not being picked up because nobody knows who they are. The more visits I do the more convinced I become that what is on offer is not really going to help these people and those are the people that we all want to help more than anyone. I wondered if you would consider a couple of things. First of all I really identified a need for some pan-London funding where at the moment you are giving it to boroughs to dish out, which I understand, but there is...
  • Priorities for the Coming Year (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    Three years or two years?
  • London Youth Offer (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    Three years or two years?
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Yes, I think it has been consequent on the Licensing Act that has given an opportunity to reduce the administration, so that is very helpful. The other small glitch we had is that there was a planning application, you might not have a note on this, from Capel Manor. Although that horticultural facility was supported during the master planning process by Bromley, there has been the small local planning application which has subsequently gone in, and has been turned down by Bromley. I certainly want to see that resolved. Are you committed to getting that resolved and keeping Capel Manor...
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Well, thank you very much for that very clear commitment. I have to say that the project is extremely popular and there have been two very good consultations in the area, which have raised expectations. The fact that there have been these glitches has caused concern, because nobody in the area wants to see the LDA walking away, because clearly it is a big and difficult project and the community groups in the area have put in a lot of time and effort. Indeed, they are meeting the Mayor this morning about the project. As I said, there have been...
  • Crystal Palace Park (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Valerie Shawcross
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Thank you very much. I am pleased for that, because in fact the animal farm there, the petting zoo, which is part of this project, was the single most popular feature in the park that people wanted to see reopened. It was one of the things that made the park a children's park. Andrew Pelling AM: I was very grateful, Chair, for a letter I received from the Chief Executive a month ago reassuring me that the LDA remains very committed to ensuring the best regeneration of this park, although I am still a little bit disconcerted that in many...
  • Caribbean Showcase Sponsorship (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    I think it is a complete and utter duplication. I think it is a scandalous waste of taxpayers' money, and I do not think it is the job of the LDA to spend scarce resources, which ultimately come from the taxpayers through government grants, on nonsense like this. Angie Bray AM): Is it not the case that this whole Showcase arose out of an offer made by Westminster City Council to Lee Jasper and the Mayor; that because of the discussion and the ultimate refusal to put the Carnival into Hyde Park, an offer was made that Hyde Park would...
  • Caribbean Showcase Sponsorship (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Dee Doocey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    I honestly believe that you are trying to defend the indefensible, because looking at your own criteria, I am looking at `Is there market failure?' Well, clearly with the Notting Hill Carnival, which is a large-scale event promoting London's Caribbean community, there is not market failure. Is there a case for investment supported by the evidence? I cannot see any case for investment supported by the evidence. I just see it as duplication. And does it duplicate activities already underway in other parts of your Agency? The event was funded by two different parts of your Agency, directly from the...