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Asked of 2

  • Balance of Taxation (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Stephen Knight
    • Meeting date: 24 October 2012
    Stephen Knight (AM): To pick you up on the point you have just made around the high property values in London, compared, I believe with most other developed countries, we have very few property and wealth taxes in this country; we predominantly focus on income and sales taxes. I just wondered to what extent you think the high cost of housing in London is partly driven by the fact that it is a tax free growth area for people, by which I mean it is a tax free investment and therefore that has partly driven the speculation that has driven...
  • LDA Agenda (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    The thesis behind this question is that the Assembly has a statutory responsibility to hold the LDA to account, but you are not a creature of regional government; there are these multiple accountabilities. If we are to do our job in holding you to account effectively, we need to see how these conflicts are working, and we talked offline about the difficulty of, for example, making available publicly a Government Office for London quarterly assessment of you. I think we need to explore further how to see that relationship working better with government. Moving on to the second question relating...
  • LDA Agenda (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 17 March 2004
    In relation to the mayoral interventions, either directly or through advisors, at the Economic and Social Development Committee you said that there had never been a time when you had actually refused a request. There had been vigorous discussions, but the answer had never been `no'.