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  • Tourism in Outer London (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 04 November 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: I must say that all the foreign visitors I talk to, whether I know them well or not, complain about the large numbers in central London now. It is a buzzy city but it is also, they feel, very crowded, extremely busy and quite tiring. This is a well‑targeted question that Tony Arbour [AM] has put to you about outer London. Can I ask you what you are doing particularly? How much are you spending to encourage people to take a river cruise? Indeed, they will reach Tony Arbour’s constituency. Tony Arbour AM (Deputy Chairman): They will...
  • London's overseas reputation (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 04 November 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: Can I just ask you one or two more questions about the European dimension? It is right, is it not, that more Americans visit London as a tourist destination than any other European city? Is it also not correct that there is more trade done by this country - and by London, obviously - with Asia and with the Americas than, indeed, with Europe? My question to you, really, is: are you intending to ask a specific question in any survey you do of tourists particularly about the attractions of London as opposed to Europe or in...
  • Crime and youth crime in Merton and Wandsworth

    • Reference: 2011/0206-1
    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    i) Were there more or less crimes (total notifiable offences) for the 3 years before May 2008 in Merton and Wandsworth compared to the three years after May 2008? By what percentage has this changed in these boroughs? ii) Has there been an increase or decrease in youth violence in 2010/11 compared with 2007/8 in Merton and Wandsworth? By what percentage has this changed in these boroughs?
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Commissioner, I want to try to get from you some idea of how you see the style of policing in the next few years. The reports that have come out since August and the awful affairs in August have rather suggested that there is an attitude that policing has become a bit too much like social services. That has come out in the reports, various ones - I am sure you are conversant with all of them - and the various discussions on television. The assumption has then been made that the people who were committing the offences in August...
  • Reduced Sentencing

    • Reference: 2010/0150-1
    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2010
    What will be the effect of the proposed changes to the Criminal Justice system, with regards to sentencing and prisons, to London; and how will the various MPA initiatives created since 2008 help to protect Londoners?
  • Domestic Violence

    • Reference: 2010/0152-1
    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2010
    There have been recent claims implying that there has been a cut in domestic violence funding in London. How many more resources have been put into issues relating to violence against women since 2008?
  • Evidence based review of resource allocation (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2010
    As you have heard, we have been taking evidence elsewhere about frontline policing, whether the Commissioner likes the term or not. We have been talking to HMIC and former chief constables and one point raised is that there is a tendency sometimes for officers to go off into specialist units and then, when the threat and the risk they are supposed to be addressing within those specialist units decreases, they are not taken off into normal duties again. What is your view, Commissioner, of that point that has been made to us?