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  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [21]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    Susan Hall AM: Thank you, Chair. This is to Mary [Harpley]. I am sorry if the precise figure was mentioned earlier but I did not catch it if it was. Niran [Mothada] specifically referred to the commitment to the Green New Deal. If I recall, the Mayor put aside or committed £50 million to it at the last minute in the budget in February. Can you confirm what level of funding you are looking at for this at the moment given our uncertain finances, please?
  • RAF Northolt

    • Reference: 2017/5288
    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I note that RAF Northolt is about to undergo a £45 million renovation - without local consultation - which could pave the way for it to become a fully-fledged regional commercial airport. Despite a cross party coalition of MPs, AMs and 3,000 people in West London demanding answers on the MoD's intentions at Northolt, there is still no sign that they are willing to hold a proper consultation. What representations has the Mayor made to the Secretary of State for Defence to encourage him to hold a meaningful consultation with local residents?
  • Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 28 June 2017
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you very much. To go back to the most challenging issue and just briefly about what, Mike, you said around technology and when technology becomes available, we know that that is constantly evolving and speeding up in some cases. Val, in answer to the question from Assembly Member Bailey, you talked about how this document really is what is in the business plan we are concentrating on and you have no long‑term plans, but in the direction of travel of the document it is quite clear you are supporting the Assembly Transport Committee’s plans for road...
  • Safer Neighbourhood Teams (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Brian Coleman
    • Meeting date: 13 December 2006
    Is this a point of order?