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  • Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 28 June 2017
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you very much. To go back to the most challenging issue and just briefly about what, Mike, you said around technology and when technology becomes available, we know that that is constantly evolving and speeding up in some cases. Val, in answer to the question from Assembly Member Bailey, you talked about how this document really is what is in the business plan we are concentrating on and you have no long‑term plans, but in the direction of travel of the document it is quite clear you are supporting the Assembly Transport Committee’s plans for road...
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Nicky Gavron
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Nicky Gavron AM: Sir Edward, thank you very much for that introduction. The big headline out of this Plan is that the Mayor’s target is not high enough to meet the housing that London needs. It does not even take the target that is given in his own evidence. We have a housing crisis. Why are you content to move forward with a Plan that does not meet London’s housing need?
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Tom Copley
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Tom Copley AM: I want to move on to talk about affordable housing. Would a London-wide percentage target for affordable housing be more effective at delivering the homes that Londoners need the most?
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Navin Shah AM: Good morning, Sir Edward. In your introduction, you made a reference to the long-term future. Can we look at that in the context of safeguarding London’s skyline? Can you tell me, please, what policies in the altered London Plan could be used to ensure that in the short and long term we do not end up with out-of-character buildings like 1 Merchant Square popping up across London?
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Richard Tracey AM: Thank you, Chairman. Could I just pursue you a little further on the line of questioning you were receiving from Steve O’Connell about parking in outer London? Are you specifically delineating what is ‘outer London’ and what is ‘inner London’? What bothers me is that sometimes it seems that TfL, when commenting on planning applications, tries to impose the rather stricter inner London format on outer London boroughs. As you said, we do definitely need more scope for residential parking in outer London.
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Murad Qureshi
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Murad Qureshi AM: Sir Edward, can I bring up the particular issue of subterranean basement developments? Last night I heard from residents of Bayswater that they have had 15 of these developments in the last 18 months. It has caused sinkholes, flooding and structural damage to properties. It is a problem not only in the City of Westminster but in the Royal Borough of Kensington and Chelsea, in Hammersmith and Fulham and I understand in other boroughs in north London as well. We also unanimously passed a motion in March proposing that some limits should be made on these excessive...
  • Venues and Infrastructure (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 15 February 2007
    All right, David. One thing that I am a bit concerned about is that, if you look, for example, at the actual stadium and you look at the original quote of £280 million, the Government has now acknowledged it will be higher than that because of the fact that you want a legacy from it; you do not just want a temporary 80,000 seat stadium. Now, the problem is that that tends to indicate to me that no account initially was taken of a possible legacy use, so therefore there is at least another £100 million in costs. Ignore the...
  • Venues and Infrastructure (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Damian Hockney
    • Meeting date: 15 February 2007
    If I turn to other areas, you mentioned - Sydney and Athens, and so on. My problem with the situation is, if you look at Athens, and, five years earlier, at a lot of the other venues, and with things like rowing and so on, these things were promised to be legacy. If you look at all the original stuff, it said, `this will be legacy'. But the rowing area now has, sort of, environmentally despoiled a wetlands area. The problem is, I cannot find any situation where I can trust claims. It all seems very pie in the sky...
  • Economic Impact (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Andrew Pelling
    • Meeting date: 15 February 2007
    I am very grateful for Mr Biggs mentioning Croydon and Sutton, and I will just briefly touch on that in the limited time that I have. Recently the Department for Work and Pensions came up with figures for Croydon Central Parliamentary Constituency. It is 14th in terms of number of lone parents who are on income support, so there is a very real need to recognise the importance of investing in this area in terms of social deprivation. But my question is actually about the question which Mr Biggs has down about the economic development impact. I would declare an...
  • Economic Impact (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 15 February 2007
    On this issue of economic boost, clearly it would give London and economic boost if we committed to a living wage for all the workers. Is this going to be -- I know the ODA is working with London citizens to ease this forward. Is this going to be living wage Olympics? Are we going to be globally embarrassed?