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  • COVID-19 Vaccination Delivery in London (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Onkar Sahota
    • Meeting date: 04 February 2021
    Dr Onkar Sahota AM: Minister, thank you for coming and joining us this morning. The success of any vaccination programme relies on the willingness of people to actually have the vaccine. When trust was lost on the measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine we knew that the uptake plummeted, and, as you know, we need to get over 80% of the population vaccinated to get herd immunity. You also know that trust is a social contract between two parties, in this case the Government and the people. While the people trust the scientists and the doctors, the Government has often...
  • Public disorder incidents in London (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Darren Johnson
    • Meeting date: 07 September 2011
    I think most Londoners are absolutely full of praise for the way police handled this from Tuesday 8 August onwards, and the policing was proportionate, it was appropriate, it was effective, the right numbers were there and we did not need to have the Army coming in or plastic bullets or water cannons or anything like that. It was appropriate, effective policing that restored order. However, the widespread perception on the Sunday and the Monday is simply that the policing operation was not effective either in terms of tactics or in terms of the numbers on the street. Could those...