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  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Two questions. Firstly, would you agree that in the light of a major project such as this it would be surprising if it was not the case that there would be some changes in personnel and some clashes of personality along the way?
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Elizabeth Howlett
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Thank you very much. Can I pursue the reasons for Mr Lemley leaving? It has been alleged in some media reports - and of course we have no insider knowledge so I say that these are allegations - that he was inclined to blur the edges between Chair and Chief Executive, which must have been very irritating for Mr Higgins. It is also alleged that he was quite happy to pursue some pecuniary interests and was hoping to recruit a rather obscure American company which turned out to be run by a relative. Again, I am saying these are allegations...
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    ): The second question is I fully understand that in the case of a `no fault divorce', which this is presented as, an agreed statement would be issued saying that everyone is walking away happy and there may be differences but we need to put it behind us and move on. However, would you not accept it is a reasonable democratic role for a body such as ourselves to delve into that a little further and see whether there is any voracity in various of the statements made about this, and how would you help us to do that? I...
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [21]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    My final question is about money. Is there anything we need to know about the financial settlement associated with the departure of Mr Lemley? He was on a contract of something like £250,000 a year, maybe it was more than that.
  • Jack Lemley (Supplementary) [23]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    If you were to receive a number of written questions from the Assembly asking you to confirm or otherwise some of the more detailed points which seem to be squirming out in the press, would you be happy to receive those? Perhaps happy is not the right word.
  • Budget (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    Could I ask you one other impossible question to answer then which is when you have finally negotiated with the Treasury your revised budgets for the Olympics, and we agree a sum, will that be a fixed sum which we can be confident to go forward with until 2012?
  • Budget (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 15 November 2006
    So at that time you will be a lot more relaxed about getting into detailed scrutiny with us about individual items within your budget?
  • Partnership

    • Reference: 2006/0118-1
    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 14 June 2006
    What progress have you made with defining and developing working relationships with local authorities and other public partners. What if any formal structures are you proposing, to ensure that issues, particularly legacy issues, are properly and adequately dealt with without creating bureaucracy and risking possible delay to the Olympic projects?