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  • RAF Northolt

    • Reference: 2017/5288
    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I note that RAF Northolt is about to undergo a £45 million renovation - without local consultation - which could pave the way for it to become a fully-fledged regional commercial airport. Despite a cross party coalition of MPs, AMs and 3,000 people in West London demanding answers on the MoD's intentions at Northolt, there is still no sign that they are willing to hold a proper consultation. What representations has the Mayor made to the Secretary of State for Defence to encourage him to hold a meaningful consultation with local residents?
  • Future of the Metropolitan Police Service (Supplementary) [12]

    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2016
    Peter Whittle AM: Good morning, Mr Mayor, good morning, Commissioner. Just to take you back to the priority of hate crime, which obviously, as we know, has been increasing in London for a long time, I wonder if you could just clarify some things for me on the particular figure that you quoted of 599 that has recently come up over the period of the referendum, because I think there is a lot of confusion about this. Could you break that figure down in the sense of what kind of hate crime? Are we talking here about assaults maybe on...