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  • Question and Answer Session: London's Economic Recovery and Business (Supplementary) [18]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 03 March 2022
    Susan Hall AM: I am addressing my questions to the Deputy Mayor. First of all, with your interactions with my colleague, Assembly Member Rogers, I know you have had a memory loss of the businesses that you have spoken to, their names, but what were their answers to you, when you spoke to these businesses that we do not know who they were? When you spoke to these anonymous businesses, what did they say about the impact of the strike on their businesses?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Susan Hall AM: Thank you. Good morning, everybody. My question, please, is to Rajesh Agrawal, our Deputy Mayor for Business. Rajesh, last Tuesday we had a very amicable Budget and Performance [Committee] meeting and the Mayor said, I quote: “There is some good news today from the Chancellor of the Exchequer. The Chancellor this morning has announced an additional grant, which will really help those sectors that we really worry about: retail, hospitality, all those sectors. He has announced a one-off grant today. It is hot off the press. This is a really good piece of news that will be...
  • Delivering Healthy Streets schemes [1]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 07 February 2019
    Susan Hall AM: Mr Mayor, in regard to Vision Zero, can you just tell us what your targets in terms of bus deaths will be by 2020?
  • Delivering the Mayor's manifesto [1]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 07 February 2019
    Susan Hall AM: It is quite fortuitous that you are both here. Would you both like to apologise to all the people who have been stuck on the Metropolitan line this morning? I have had tweets from people saying there are people crying on trains. I have heard a message that it has taken two hours and 20 minutes to get from Amersham to Green Park, which is normally a 52-minute run. It is an absolute disgrace. I keep complaining about the Metropolitan line, but this morning was a major failure. Would you like, Mr Mayor, to apologise for the...
  • London's Motorists [1]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 07 February 2019
    Susan Hall AM: The point is that we agree with the ULEZ but not being brought in when it is because it is damaging small businesses. You say you are going to be the most pro‑business Mayor ever. There is absolutely no evidence of that going forward whatsoever. You said you expect the opening of ULEZ to run pretty smoothly. If it does go badly or less well than you think it is going to go, will you learn lessons from that and consider making changes to your plans for the 2021 expansion?