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  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2023
    Emma Best AM: Thank you. Good morning. I want to focus particularly on connectivity, and I found it really interesting this conversation on park-and-ride. We have been a pretty lone voice in supporting the Mayor of London’s park-and-rides. We already operate many of them across TfL station car parks. I use one most days and I am glad that it looks like we are not going to be the only ones who have concerns about building over them. Thank you and welcome to the team, Siân [Berry]! My first question probably best for you, Andy, if that is OK. I...
  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [20]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 06 July 2023
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you. Given the Government is floundering on a whole number of issues, including transport, it has sort of lost control of the agenda for change in some ways. Therefore, I go back to the growth agenda if we go back to a question that my colleague earlier answered about suburban rail and the expansion. Is it not about time we brought back on the original proposal that TfL co-ordinates London and the South east that enjoyed - enjoyed - cross-party support and from officials but was stopped because of an ideological reason from the DfT by...
  • Question and Answer Session: Proposed Revision to the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 17 November 2022
    Emma Best AM: Thank you. I was really brought in by Assembly Member Baker’s line of questioning there, and Assembly Member Unmesh Desai, actually, let Assembly Member Keith Prince finish earlier, so perhaps I will expand all that for her, though I had not planned to. That is the really important point, those lost journeys. A lot of the emails I get are about “I go and visit my Dad or my Mum/I do the shopping for my uncle every week, and I am not going to be able to afford to make that journey.” How are you measuring that...
  • Question and Answer Session: Proposed Revision to the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 17 November 2022
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you, Chair. If we can go back to the evidence base for this revision; in September 2021 - and this is to the Mayor - the WHO produced an updated quality guidance. What impact have these issues, of the updated guidance, had on your decision to revise the Strategy?
  • Question and Answer Session: Proposed Revision to the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [15]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 17 November 2022
    Len Duvall AM: Thank you very much, Chair. In your policies, you have brought about a reduction of PM 2.5 - so those living within the central ULEZ zone. Have similar benefits been experienced as a result of the expanded ULEZ?
  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [18]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 09 June 2022
    Emma Best AM: In 2017, TfL modelling suggested that 135,000 vehicles per day would use the expanded ULEZ and that was the justification for spending £130 million on the expansion. Fast-forward to today - or to November [2021] when we had the last stock of that - and you have 50,000 chargeable vehicles travelling within the expanded zone. That is a little over a third of where the estimated figure came in the forecast. Now, looking ahead to the London-wide expansion, TfL estimates that 87% of vehicles travelling within that zone will be compliant, leaving 13% that are not. There...
  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [16]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 02 September 2021
    Emma Best AM: Good morning. I want to start with a question to the Mayor in particular regarding the ULEZ. I wanted to open up my question by trying to explain the regional concerns with a quote from Labour’s candidate for Chingford and Woodford Green in the 2019 election. She said: “Whilst we want to do something about air quality, we’ve got the politics wrong. [People say to me] “This is actually unfair,” and I don’t have an answer to them. This is unfair.” One of those great unfairnesses we see regionally in Chingford is where we have very poor...
  • Question and Answer Session: Transport for London (Supplementary) [24]

    • Question by: Emma Best
    • Meeting date: 02 September 2021
    Emma Best AM: Mr Mayor, a question for you, please. In anticipation of a motion we will be discussing later today, the Terrence Higgins Trust has recommended that we use some TfL advertisement to promote testing for HIV. Especially this recommendation comes in light of the fact London continues to have the highest rates of HIV in the country, in particular the boroughs of Southwark, Lambeth and Lewisham, which have the highest. Will you commit to giving some advertising space on TfL for HIV testing?