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  • Subject: 3rd Runway Mitigation (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2015
    James Cleverly AM MP: In your explanation as to why Atlanta and O’Hare are able to have almost double the air movements that Heathrow has, we are at 400,000 and something and they are at 800,000 and something air movements. Is that right?
  • Deaths in Custody (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: James Cleverly
    • Meeting date: 27 September 2012
    Thank you. I want to go back a couple of steps to the use of digital technology and video. There have been trials of body-worn cameras, which - on the figures I have had shared with me - indicate that they have reduced the amount of administrative time that those officers subsequently have had to get involved in, they reduce the number of complaints. What I would ask is what plans do you have in place to learn lessons from those trials and roll out body-worn cameras as widely as possible right across basically frontline policing? Stephen, I think.