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  • Closure of Manchester Square Fire Station (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Peter Hulme Cross
    • Meeting date: 08 November 2006
    The perception of the residents in that area does not fit exactly with what you have been saying. They feel that the cover that they are offered is lacking because the fire engines have to come from further afield. Not only that but one appliance has been lost from Euston. Therefore, it might be a perception which is not borne out by your figures, but nevertheless they do feel that they are at risk, and that the cover has diminished.
  • Low Emissions Zones (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Samantha Heath
    • Meeting date: 12 November 2003
    Just going on a bit from what Jenny (Jones) was talking about. I just wanted to say that if we were to issue gold stars from the Environment Committee and maybe it should be green stars, then LFEPA does get a bit more in terms of delivering through responding to the environment agenda but also being able to quantify and put very clear markers down where you think you have the gold stars and where you think you know where you are in the process. I wanted to say that there is clear engagement on the environmental agenda, which is...