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  • Night Czar

    • Reference: 2017/5040
    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    Can you provide an outline of Amy Lamé's activities since her appointment as Night Czar?
  • Response to Grenfell Tower fire

    • Reference: 2017/5216
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I welcome your support for the campaign calling for sprinklers to be fitted in all new social housing tower blocks in the lead up to today's anniversary of the tragic fire at Grenfell Tower six months ago. How will your draft London Plan reassure Londoners living in tower blocks that they will have the 'highest standards' of fire safety and will be as safe and protected as possible?
  • Cancer Care

    • Reference: 2017/5217
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    The National Cancer Patient Experience Survey by Macmillan shows Cancer patients in London's most deprived areas are experiencing worse care than the rest of England. It also shows that patients of black, Asian or mixed ethnic backgrounds reported worse cancer patient experience on 87% of the questions. What role are you able to play to support the deprived and the BAME cancer patients?
  • 'London Needs you Alive'

    • Reference: 2017/5218
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    How is this social media project promoted to encourage participation of stakeholders such as local community groups/leaders as well as schools (pupils and parents) Londonwide including Outer London boroughs who have also recorded increase in knife crime? What steps are you taking to monitor how the campaign is functioning?
  • Bridges (1)

    • Reference: 2017/5219
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I regularly get serious complaints from my constituents and local ward councillors about the state of bridges and underpasses. The complaints relate to the poor upkeep (both in terms of decorative state as well structural conditions / water seepage etc) due to years of neglect by TfL and other operators. These raise very valid concerns about safety, environmental impact and visual appearance of the area. Additionally some of these underpasses/bridges provide access to areas people use for their regular walks. What are TfL's policies for regular (cyclical) repairs and maintenance and how much is TfL able to influence other operators...
  • Jubilee Line - Under Bridges (2)

    • Reference: 2017/5220
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    There are severe complaints from residents in Willesden Green and Dudden Hill wards (In Brent) about the state of the bridges. Park Avenue / Park Avenue North: There are two bridges carrying the Jubilee/Metropolitan and Chiltern line and there is a third bridge, which is no longer in use as the tracks at each end have been removed. The complaints are about poor lighting under the bridges and the old pigeon netting (over ten years old) has badly deteriorated with the resultant mess Additionally water is seeping down the supporting structural walls which are covered with mould and have deteriorated...
  • Jubilee Line - Under Bridges (3)

    • Reference: 2017/5221
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    This one relates to the short underpass, that goes under the same railway lines, between Churchill Road / Chapter Road in Willesden Green and Griffen Close / Waterford Way in Dudden Hill. The walls of the underpass are painted black to stop graffiti. But the lighting is poor and is often graffitied over making it darker. This is a well-used pedestrian route but people are deterred using it because of safety concerns. Can you please confirm who is responsible for the upkeep of this underpass - is it TFL or Network Rail? Can you please advise how we can get...
  • Buses - Poor Driving Practices

    • Reference: 2017/5222
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    My concerns relate to some poor driving practices I've observed by bus drivers who fail to indicate when they are turning at junctions and also blocking signalled pedestrian crossings, creating obstruction and safety hazards for pedestrians including babies in prams. One example is the junction of Station Road in Harrow served by a number of routes (including 140, 340 and 186 etc). Buses going from the direction of Debenhams on Station Road (Harrow Town Centre) and turning left on the Station Road going towards Harrow Civic Centre travel at some speed and often fail to indicate when turning and then...
  • Childhood Obesity

    • Reference: 2017/5223
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    A recent World Health Organisation report shows in the UK 9% four and five-year-olds are classed as obese - with the proportion rising to 20 % for 10 to 11-year-olds and it predicts obesity to become the new norm. Trust for London's Child Poverty data shows as a whole, 23% of Year 6 students were obese. This is a higher rate than in England, where 20% of Year 6 students were obese. Both London and England have experienced a slight increase over the last five years (one percentage point). What are your key strategies to tackle London's childhood obesity?
  • Chancellor's Budget

    • Reference: 2017/5224
    • Question by: Navin Shah
    • Meeting date: 14 December 2017
    I agree with your description of the budget as 'the most anti-London in a generation'. The Chancellor has failed us on many accounts but I see this as a slap in the face of Londoners due to his failure to announce any new money for affordable housing in London and not providing further funding for London's policing which is under crisis. How do you plan to tackle what is, in my view, this massive blow?