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  • Question and Answer Session: London Fire Commissioner and Deputy Mayor for Fire and Resilience (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 09 February 2023
    Thank you. Morning, both. Deputy Mayor, there cannot be anybody around this table who was not horrified by the Cultural Review; some of us thought that it would be bad, but some of the things that were reported were absolutely disgraceful. Now, as normal, we ask for the Mayor to attend Plenary meetings because he is ultimately responsible politically. He always refuses, although he has told me once, “Just pick up the phone and I will attend meetings.” The reason he is not here today, he says, is because he has been summonsed by us on three occasions and therefore...
  • Question and Answer Session: Policing (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 01 December 2022
    Susan Hall AM: Thank you. May I say first of all, Sir Mark, thank you for your robust answers to Assembly Member Russell. There is no doubt that politicians do mean well, but it is absolutely vital that we look at things in the round. I really applaud your robust answers. To be fair, Sir Steve House had started to row back, and I am pleased to see that you are saying what you are because figures on both sides of an argument need to be looked at. Thank you for that; I was thrilled to hear that. Mr Mayor...
  • Question and Answer Session: Policing (Supplementary) [21]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 01 December 2022
    Susan Hall AM: T hank you. Mr Mayor, I do not know what is happening. We have been agreeing an awful lot today, which is somewhat unusual; however, I want to bring your attention to something. All of us agree that our police officers are invaluable, as are firefighters, ambulance drivers and so on. Many of them, because of the cost of housing in London, have to come in from outside. Consequently, quite naturally, the Metropolitan Police Federation is incensed that you are going to expand the Ultra-Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) because it would mean that so many officers, who...
  • Question and Answer Session: Proposed Revision to the Mayor of London's Transport Strategy (Supplementary) [17]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 17 November 2022
    Susan Hall AM: Thank you, Chairman. Mr Mayor, this revision to the MTS is being regarded by the public as a vote on ULEZ - whether that is correct or not, that is the perception of Londoners. Given that, and given the fact that we have all been elected to represent Londoners in our various places, we should be listening to what Londoners are saying. Therefore, I do not understand why you will not let us know what the Londoners think in your consultation before you even brought this here. It is no good you sitting there saying that this...
  • Question and Answer Session: Legacy of the 2012 London Olympic Games and Paralympic Games (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Zack Polanski
    • Meeting date: 06 October 2022
    Zack Polanski AM: Thank you. Lyn, if I can direct my questions to you, these are about culture and creativity. Hackney Wick and Fish Island were used as case studies, particularly in your Local Plan 2020-2036, highlighting them as a Creative Enterprise Zone. It strikes me that a lot of this was about redistributing existing space. What is being done to create new space, particularly for small creative artists?
  • Adult Education Budget (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Zack Polanski
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2022
    Zack Polanski AM: Thank you very much, Chair. We are in a climate crisis and we know that the solutions to the cost of living crisis, the energy crisis and the climate crisis are the same solutions. One of the biggest ones at the moment is that we need to insulate homes, so I want to ask you about your green jobs. Citizens UK has been in touch with me. In April 2021 it wrote to the Mayor to ask for an annual report on green jobs, particularly around insulating homes. Will we be getting those regular reports?
  • Adult Education Budget (Supplementary) [18]

    • Question by: Susan Hall
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2022
    Susan Hall AM: Hello, both. I do not suppose you will like these questions, anyway, but here we go. We are all agreed that on one of your briefing papers, females, BAME people and disadvantaged Londoners were going to be targeted by this AEB. White pupils on free school meals aged between 11 and 16 getting a grade 5 or above in English and maths GCSE is 25%, whereas the same statistic is 38.7% for Black pupils, 45.2% for Asian pupils and 79.6% for Chinese pupils. Therefore, as always, these white pupils on free school meals seem to be falling...
  • Adult Education Budget (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Zack Polanski
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2022
    Zack Polanski AM: Jules, as Deputy Mayor, I want to ask you a few questions about people seeking asylum. It is something you mentioned in your introductory remarks. First of all, just to applaud, really, that this is an important part of the work of the AEB. Now, I know that there has been a lot of focus on improving coordination of English for speakers of other languages (ESOL). Could I ask what other types of course that you are looking to do, or are doing, for people seeking asylum?