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  • Mainline Rail (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2016
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Thank you, Chair. On the subject of step-free access, within the very welcome doubling of the allocation is there any money to bring step-free access to South Kensington, which, as you know, gets more people through it every year than Gatwick Airport and yet is inaccessible to large proportions of the population?
  • Congestion in London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 10 February 2016
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Just on that particular point, do you think there is any danger, therefore, of the Western Extension of the Congestion Charge being revived?
  • Transport Legacy (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 10 February 2016
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Given that this is my final TfL plenary it would be remiss of me not to go through the annual ritual of raising step‑free access at a particular Tube station that has more people passing through it than Gatwick Airport every year, which is of course South Kensington. This is probably my eighth attempt to try to get some movement on this particular issue. I wondered if any progress had been made on allowing disabled people, people with prams and other vehicles that would like to access those incredible cultural assets, as well as the residents...
  • Advice for Londoners in the event of a Paris style attack (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 16 December 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: I just wanted to clarify slightly on the point that you made on the police firearms policy. Am I right in thinking that there has been no change in police operations in firearms and that we do not have a ‘shoot-to-kill policy’; we have what is called a ‘shoot-to-stop’ policy? There is this idea that the police who are discharging their weapons at somebody who, presumably, is presenting a threat to either them or others would somehow try to clip the gun out of their hand or shoot them in the leg to disable them. They...
  • Night Tube (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 16 September 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: One of the key issues, of course, as well in terms of noise is station announcements at open stations like Earls Court, Sloane Square and some of the stations in Fulham. Are you going to have a ban on platform announcements during the night?
  • Affordable Housing (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 16 September 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Mr Mayor, on this point about right-to-buy and private landlords, is it the case - I am sure you would remember - that it was a Conservative government that gave relatively wealthy people the right to buy when it introduced the leasehold format, to allow people to effectively compel landlords to sell the freehold of leasehold properties. This is a principle which is well-known in London. Presumably you would agree that the same rights that are granted to those relatively wealthy people should be granted effectively to social housing tenants. Effectively social housing tenants have a...
  • Subject: 3rd Runway Mitigation (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 08 September 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Sir Howard, I wanted to ask a little further about night flights. When we last met when you appeared in front of the Assembly, you revealed to me, as somebody who lives under the flight path, this surprising idea that no flights land at Heathrow between 6.00am and 6.20am and that there was a moratorium on that. Since then, Heathrow rather helpfully produces on its website the actual landing times of flights and, of course, there are dozens and dozens of flights that land between 6.00am and 6.20am every single morning, including this morning. Would you...
  • Electric Bus Trial (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 15 July 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Thank you. I just wanted to return to the procurement of these electric buses. Am I right in thinking that the first ones that arrive will be entirely manufactured in China?
  • London Jobs and Growth Plan (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 01 July 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: I assume that you would accept that for all the businesses and people employed in the area of green technology and green industries, 80% of what they do and what holds them back is exactly the same as for businesses that are not involved in those technologies. Therefore, your work on small business, science and technology and all those areas of emphasis would be equally as applicable to green technology, Jenny ‑‑ Jenny Jones AM: Yes. Kit Malthouse AM MP: ‑‑ as they are to other things. Harvey McGrath (Deputy Chair, London Enterprise Panel): Indeed. Kit...
  • Cycle Superhighways (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Kit Malthouse
    • Meeting date: 17 June 2015
    Kit Malthouse AM MP: Just on that point, Mr Mayor, do you think it would be more effective if cyclists who were caught going through red lights had their bikes impounded immediately so that their mode of transport is removed and they have to then go somewhere to recover it and pay a fine to get their bike back? As a cyclist myself, the most inconvenient thing is to lose your bike in the middle of a journey and to have to then clack off in boots and Lycra to get the Tube. Cyclists are much more likely to think...