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  • Olympicopolis (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 11 March 2015
    Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): I have five minutes to talk about skills. Would you agree with me that a highly skilled local population is key to the future success of Olympicopolis ‑‑ Boris Johnson (Chairman, London Legacy Development Corporation): Yes, of course. Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): ‑‑ and a major driver in attaining the much-talked-about convergence across the Olympic boroughs and wider east London? Boris Johnson (Chairman, London Legacy Development Corporation): Yes. Jennette Arnold OBE AM (Deputy Chair): We heard in February, Mr Mayor, when you and the Chancellor of the Exchequer announced devolution of further...
  • Stop and Search

    • Reference: 2012/0023-2
    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 31 May 2012
    The Commissioner has said that he wants a new approach to stop and search. He told the Metropolitan Police Authority last year that he hoped to have a new policy in place for the New Year, and he told us last time he was here that that is still his view, but that there would be some consultation with communities and with ourselves and the stakeholders about that new approach. We have not heard of any consultation at the moment on what the new approach is, so could you just let us know firstly what the timescales are, what steps...
  • Stephen Lawrence Inquiry

    • Reference: 2012/0011-2
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    Yes, I do have some questions about the flawed police investigation that followed the fatal stabbing of Stephen Lawrence 19 years ago. I am sure I am not the only one but I just would like to say that so many people who have, if you like, been associated by just their feelings of sympathy and empathy with the family over the years would have been in a state of shock on reading that article. I would just like the Deputy Commissioner to say, if possible, what has been the response from the service to this article and this article...
  • Babar Ahmad

    • Reference: 2012/0012-2
    • Question by: Jenny Jones
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    Jenny Jones (AM): It is really difficult to know where to start. This has been going on for eight and a half years now and that is a long time in human terms, in Metropolitan Police Service terms of course it is just a click of the fingers. I think I first wrote to the Chief Executive, I cannot remember, it might have been 2004, about this when Mr Ahmad actually approached me, and it just seems to be so turgid, the whole process, that the Metropolitan Police Service is constantly to be forced to do anything about this. You...
  • Hate Crime

    • Reference: 2012/0014-2
    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 08 March 2012
    Jennette Arnold OBE (AM): I have a few questions. I wonder, Kit, if I can ask you in your role as Deputy Mayor for Policing and Crime what assessment you plan to make of the MPS' strategy and policy to address hate crime? I say that given this, I think, quite large increase of 7.6% around disability crime offences that we can see on the performance figures that you have given to us. Also, I just wanted to focus as well on hate crime and crimes against older people, because the Crown Prosecution Service (CPS) February 2012 report shows an...
  • Evacuation plans (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    Thinking about evacuation, I am sure you will agree it is important that the extent to which people are educated in advance of the crisis about what is expected of them will help in the management at the time. Looking at the Preparing for Emergencies booklet, which has been mentioned, that has three generic bullet points on this issue, and if you compare that with what is available to New Yorkers, in terms of a very detailed guide, with evacuation there absolutely, all sorts of things, down to what to do with your pets, which I am sure is a...
  • Infrastructure recovery (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    Bob Neill (AM): I am sure that is right. It is a shame that GOL are not here so that we could have heard it be said. Brian Coleman (Chair): Indeed, we wish Mr Kowalczyk was here, so we could pay tribute to him this morning, but unfortunately he is not. I am sure, however, his spies are in the audience somewhere. Can I just ask, Mr Mayer, are you saying we need, in your professional opinion as an officer ' or 'mere bureaucrat,' as you describe yourself ' that we need an office of emergency planning in London?
  • Infrastructure recovery (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Graham Tope
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    Let me share your optimism and your confidence ' which I think I do, really ' for what would happen in, say, the first 48 hours, when we deal with the immediate crisis. What I would like to probe is what happens after the first, say, 48 hours, when we really are getting into the recovery period, when it is, perhaps, less of a crisis and more of an emergency. Who is going to be taking charge then? What is the role of the Mayor and the GLA, and what are the roles of the individual London boroughs? Who is...
  • Infrastructure recovery (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    I would have thought that within minutes it would have been obvious even to the most lowly of Londoners whether an issue was of a major catastrophe or just a local incident, so I am surprised that it is going to take 48 hours to determine who takes the lead, because as soon as something happens, in less than 48 seconds, CNN and Sky will want to be there, and they will be taking the lead. Therefore, who actually is going to fill that gap whilst you are hauling in chief executives from Essex or Hertfordshire, as I know where...
  • Infrastructure recovery (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Bob Neill
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    An important part of what we want to try to achieve is to reassure Londoners that proper procedures are in place. What reassurance is there? What can I say to my constituency as to who is in charge at the moment for planning a) for resilience, b) for recovery? Secondly, who is providing the money for those, and where is it going?