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  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    Can I touch on the sustainability assurance aspects. The Commission for a Sustainable 2012 does not just do the construction and the staging of the Games, it includes legacy, albeit that process is going to come to an end in about 2013. The first question, for the record, is do you welcome that scrutiny and will you cooperate fully with the Commission for a Sustainable 2012 for the legacy aspects?
  • Question and Answer Session: Olympic Park Legacy Company (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 16 March 2011
    I wanted to look at the housing side of what you are doing and dig into the finances behind that will underpin the proportions between social affordable, owner occupied and, indeed, private rented possibly. When you were here last time we talked a lot about the remediation and the 60 centimetres and the impact of switching to the housing that you gave us the pictures for where there is a garden at the back. Can you update us on your financial modelling about the additional costs that are associated with remediation for family sized housing and how that impacts the...
  • Olympic Land Debt (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 10 March 2010
    I want just to pursue this issue of what the land is fit for. You talked about longer term development and you talked about family housing and so forth. We had a meeting of [the Assembly's] Budget and Performance Committee a couple of weeks ago and the LDA, when pressed about the debt, said that a fair chunk of the debt actually will still sit in the LDA's books to pay off the bills for the remediation so the issue of remediation then came up. Could I therefore just be clear what your understanding of the condition of the land...
  • Land remediation (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 10 March 2010
    I absolutely understand that if you are going to grow vegetables it has to be remediated to a certain level and the LDA has not done that. I also understand and accept LDA's assurance that it has remediated it to a standard fit to hold the Games on. That is fine. What I am interested in is the commercial exploitation of the land and any uncertainty. You just said, Margaret, as with any Brownfield site developers would have to be aware, but the LDA told us that it is giving you this brilliant land that it has spent an absolute...
  • Grant Settlement (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    I will return to the politics of the situation in a moment. Firstly, can I ask Sir John for his professional take on the situation? Previously you were eloquently talking about the national responsibilities of the Met and our specific grant covering those of £200 million or so, is rising by 2.5%, less than the rate of inflation. I would really welcome your insight as to what you think the Government is up to. Given the stress we are under in London because of our national and international responsibilities why does central Government not seem to be recognising that, from...
  • Cost of Capital City and Security Functions (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 10 December 2003
    As I understand, a little while ago there was no safety plan in place because it was not clear what New Year's Eve would constitute. At the Authority meeting yesterday I think Sir John implied that it remained the case. Can you update us? Have you been properly told what is planned for New Year's Eve and do you have a safety plan in place for that, given that today is 10 December, just three weeks away?