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  • Question and Answer Session: COVID-19 Recovery - The Next Steps for London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 04 March 2021
    Peter Whittle AM: Good morning, Chair. Good morning to the guests. For my question, could I start by asking Matthew about small businesses? It might be most pertinent. It is a question I asked of the Mayor quite recently. What will you do to encourage people to return to their places of work as much as possible? When we are talking about the economic microsystems and ecosystems of the city, it is people not being in offices and so on that basically will cause - and indeed has caused - the system to collapse completely. The point has to be...
  • Question and Answer Session: COVID-19 Recovery - The Next Steps for London (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 04 March 2021
    Peter Whittle AM: Deputy Mayor, good morning. I noticed that in your reply to one of the Assembly Members you had a good old go at Brexit and the problems faced by musicians. Isn’t wonderful, though, that because we are no longer in the EU, we have had a fantastic rollout of vaccines, 20 million, which includes all of those creative people and includes all of those musicians? Is that not wonderful? Presumably, you are quite happy that we are not in one of those European countries where it has been so lamentable and appalling. Yes or no.
  • LLDC and the current housing climate

    • Reference: 2017/4151
    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 02 November 2017
    With the housing market currently stagnating due to record house prices, banks clamping down on mortgage lending through tougher affordability criteria and interest rate rises looming on affordability requirements, are the current plans by the LLDC just too ambitious?
  • LLDC Finances (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Peter Whittle
    • Meeting date: 02 November 2017
    Peter Whittle AM: Thank you, Chair. David, good morning. I notice that one of the planks of the whole development is going to be the Cultural and Education District. This is absolutely to do with the long-term finances of the whole project. I notice that apparently for the construction costs originally, for example, for the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A), you were looking at philanthropic donation to cover it. That has been abandoned and now you are going to underwrite it. According to your draft budget submission it is now assumed the museum building development will be repaid through a...