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  • How are you seeking to transform the London Fire Brigade so that it is well equipped to keep Londoners safe in the future? London's Preparedness for a Terrorist Attack (Supplement) [6]

    • Question by: Unmesh Desai
    • Meeting date: 10 February 2022
    Deputy Mayor, how do you anticipate the refreshed review by Lord [Toby] Harris into London’s preparedness for a terrorist attack will impact upon the work of the LFB?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Léonie Cooper AM (on behalf of Jennette Arnold OBE AM): Thank you very much, Chair. It is quite ironic because Assembly Member Arnold’s question is about digital access, which she clearly does not have this morning at all. I wondered if I could ask John Barradell and possibly Fiona Twycross as well, between you, what the Mayor and local authorities can do to support digital access for Londoners, which has become so important during the pandemic for everybody, from young to old. Can I start with you, John, maybe?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [13]

    • Question by: Alison Moore
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Dr Alison Moore AM: Thank you very much, Chair. My first question is to Fiona Twycross, if I may, but before I ask that could I reiterate the thanks to all the guests and their colleagues for the work they are doing? Fiona, how will you ensure that Londoners living in poverty or on the verge of poverty are supported and receive the essentials during this second wave and the more infectious strain, particularly in light of the challenge around self-isolation during lockdown?
  • London and Covid-19 Restrictions (Supplementary) [15]

    • Question by: Leonie Cooper
    • Meeting date: 12 January 2021
    Léonie Cooper AM: Thank you, Chair. I would like to address my question to Deputy Mayor, Fiona Twycross and John Barradell. We have covered a lot of ground this morning; lots of different areas that we have looked at. I just wondered if you could set out, for the Assembly, what you believe are the main challenges and the most pressing issues for the SCG going forward? This is a bit of forward look. I know it is quite hard because we are still in the middle of everything at the moment, but it would be great if you could...
  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Caroline Russell
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    Caroline Russell AM: My first question is also for John Barradell. The Government was criticised as being slow to act in bringing in lockdown measures earlier this year, and right now we are 48 hours from restrictions easing further. At the same time, we have several countries like Germany, Sweden and France which are showing signs of a second wave of cases, and, worryingly, we have the new lockdown in Leicester. The Mayor on Tuesday sensibly asked for clarity from the Government on local lockdown powers for our city. I understand that London does not currently have powers to bring...
  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: David Kurten
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    David Kurten AM: Good morning, everybody. My first question would go to David Bellamy. I think you would be the person to answer this, but if you are not you can pass it on. My question is, what remuneration will the members of the London Transition Board and London Recovery Board be receiving for their service?
  • London Recovery Board and London Transition Board (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Onkar Sahota
    • Meeting date: 02 July 2020
    Dr Onkar Sahota AM: My question is to Mr John Barradell, please. Testing is paramount in preventing the spread of the virus and also then tracing. How far advanced are we in London on testing? Will the testing be taking place for everyone in London for antigens and antibodies?
  • Chairman's Question to Guests

    • Reference: 2015/0421
    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Could you set out the aims and objectives of the Draft Further Alterations to the London Plan document as laid before the Assembly, and how the Alterations address the issues raised by the Inspector and the Assembly and the changes to national policy?
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Stephen Knight
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Stephen Knight AM: We have already heard a little bit about the issues of housing supply and the deficiencies in the Plan and so I will not repeat some of what has been said. However, it is clear that the inspector was willing to sign off this plan really only on the basis that there would be a further review to address the issues before 2016. I noticed in the response that the Mayor has made to the inspector - or it may have been to the Department for Culture, Media and Sport (DCMS) - that a review is already...
  • Chairman's Question to Guests (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Fiona Twycross
    • Meeting date: 06 February 2015
    Fiona Twycross AM: I am going to shift the question a little bit away from housing. Obviously, we all recognise the need for housing, but there is a danger that we create a false dichotomy between the use of land for housing and the use of land for other purposes. Does the Plan recognise and deal with the tension between the need to provide land for housing and the need for all other uses including employment and infrastructure?