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  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Steve O'Connell
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Commissioner, it is pleasing to hear from you your commitment to safer neighbourhoods and Safer Neighbourhood Teams. My feedback to you is that they are something that are massively important to Londoners and there has been an immense amount of credit built up over the last half a dozen, eight years, with the evolution of them. First of all I want to explore your thoughts around the future and how you see Safer Neighbourhood Teams balanced with maintaining response teams balanced with back office duties. The commitment is there from you and I would like you to repeat it again...
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: John Biggs
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Quickly, following on Mr Tracey's question, do you anticipate there being a greater likelihood of civic unrest in the near future?
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Andrew Boff
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Commissioner, the Merseyside Independent Sexual Violence Adviser Scheme has been remarkably successful in that there has been a 400% increase in the number of women willing to give their details and report crimes to the police. 83% of those charged with offences against prostitutes have been convicted and 95% of the women involved have exited prostitution. Will you look in to the options for implementing the Merseyside Independent Sexual Violence Adviser scheme (ISCA) scheme across London?
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Len Duvall OBE
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    You are looking for a balance between a police force and a police service under the effective policing banner. What steps are you going to take about the language and the pictures - people support the police and hopefully you are going to get the bad people that cause crimes against communities and individuals. The media in the past months, as the language and the rhetoric goes out, what steps are you going to take to address that? You seem to have done it there. I do not see any of that has appeared in the last couple of months...
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Richard Barnbrook
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Good morning Commissioner. From my own point of view I was quite happy to see we have a Commissioner that will be on the front line. From your letters I have read through and your comments today, a no nonsense gentleman in charge of our police force. I have two questions I would like to put to you. I was going to ask them after the next question but I think they are more appropriate now as much as the next question to follow. According to a poll that has been carried out, 72% of Londoners believe the Metropolitan Police...
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [6]

    • Question by: Tony Arbour
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Are you aware, Commissioner, and you, Chair, that the points made by the noble Baroness [Dee Doocey] about the custody centres in Richmond and Kingston probably bear a closer relationship to the fact that there are local by-elections next week in the area than any attention to the facts. The truth of the matter is that the reason that the previous scheme went down was because of a total lack of consultation and communication by the MPA with the local population that the new custody centre was going to be located in the middle of a residential area which, quite...
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Roger Evans
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    We are looking at how the Metropolitan Police Service might evolve in the next couple of years and one of the key parts of this is using new technology to communicate with residents and with members of the public. It is very commendable that internet and text services are now being used to inform people of crime threats in their area and precautions they need to take. What steps is the Metropolitan Police Service going to take to ensure that vulnerable elderly residents who may not have access to text or internet can receive those messages as well?
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Brian Coleman
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    There may not be enough academics looking at police although there are enough ex-senior police officers out there I am sure looking for positions in one place or another. They keep popping up on the news giving us the benefit of their out of date views - ex-Commander O'Connor springs to mind. Anyway, Commissioner, will you continue to maintain robust policing against brothels in our suburban boroughs in particular, which is my concern and indeed in London, which often cause disturbance, nuisance and annoyance to neighbours, to women going about their legitimate business and so on.
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [9]

    • Question by: Joanne McCartney
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    The question is about what policing will look like in two years' time. I want to focus a little bit about what police officer strength will be in two years' time. I ask that because at the Police Authority we have been looking at a draft policing London business plan for the next three years and it shows in that the Metropolitan Police Service's plan, given the budget constraints and the budget gaps it has got to fill, is to reduce officer numbers down to just over 30,000, which is a substantial drop. All of us round the table want...
  • Policing In London (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Richard Tracey
    • Meeting date: 07 December 2011
    Commissioner, I want to try to get from you some idea of how you see the style of policing in the next few years. The reports that have come out since August and the awful affairs in August have rather suggested that there is an attitude that policing has become a bit too much like social services. That has come out in the reports, various ones - I am sure you are conversant with all of them - and the various discussions on television. The assumption has then been made that the people who were committing the offences in August...