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  • South London Venues (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Thank you for that answer, but you will recall that one of the issues that was raised at the five-borough planning meeting was the legacy. Really my question is about what guarantees we are building in to ensure that facilities that are built really can have the revenue in order that they can carry on, and we are not left in a position with so-called `white elephants- around the place.
  • South London Venues (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Can I just press you: when you say "sign off" and "your assurance," we hear this, and people in Hackney and in east London have heard this time and time again, so can you just dig deeper? What do you mean? What guarantees are there that there will be a revenue stream and that these jobs that are created will stay local? I do not get a sense of what is happening and who is going to be leading. Will the LDA be leading on behalf of the Mayor to ensure that the legacy is longer than the Games?
  • South London Venues (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Can I just take you round to the people. One of the riches of the city and one of the riches of the Games pitch is the diversity and the ethnic minority communities that are at the heart of this area of London. What guarantees do they have that they will be seen as part of a future in terms of jobs, or will they only be brought out to serve at the banquets?
  • Legacy (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Following on from that, all the legacy assurances and promises we have heard here today will all be handed over to an independent bid company. Could you just tell us about this company's accountability to the Mayor? How will we, then, as Members of the London Assembly have access to this company?
  • Lessons learnt (Supplementary) [14]

    • Question by: Jennette Arnold OBE
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    As the member for the area that Jenny just spoke about, I do have to start by just thanking Jenny (Jones) for her cross-party support on this. I also have to say this is has been a matter that has exercised the previous Member for this area, myself, and the elected members of the borough, and it was central to the discussion of the five-borough bids. All that could be done has been done, and it is one area where we have got some assurances, and also, the community are going to win before the Games, whether we get the...
  • Undertakings made to the British Olympic Committee (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    I know that the Metropolitan Police endeavoured to put £800,000 into its budget for next year, which would have been paid directly for Londoners and not necessarily through that mechanism. What I am seeking is a clear assurance to Londoners where that funding is going to come from. I do not want the Mayor to be grandstanding about his 35,000 police officers.
  • Undertakings made to the British Olympic Committee (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Barbara Cassani, when she was here, talked about private security. Is that still an option, or will it be from the Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) and police officers that normally patrol London being taken across to the Olympics?
  • Undertakings made to the British Olympic Committee (Supplementary) [8]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Thank you, Mr Mayor. I recognise where you are coming from, but this Government does not actually have a very good track record on delivering things. Can I make it clear that I do support the Olympic Games for London, but I need to be able to argue it for my people in west London. My real question is on the security aspects of it and what assessment has been made of the security risk for London for 2012. Also, how are those security aspects going to be paid for, so that there is an upfront and clear funding for...
  • Undertakings made to the British Olympic Committee (Supplementary) [10]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Is that based on pre-9/11 status, or how does it work?
  • Undertakings made to the British Olympic Committee (Supplementary) [11]

    • Question by: Richard Barnes
    • Meeting date: 13 October 2004
    Yes. Who pays for it?