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  • London Youth Offer

    • Reference: 2007/0044-1
    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 10 November 2007
    Who is going to benefit from the 'London Youth Offer' announced on 20th September 2008?
  • Brownfield Land (Supplementary) [7]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    You anticipated my next question which was, if we count the Olympics towards that target, so the real issue, as it were, is for non-Olympic area target for the rest of London that we need to highlight and make sure that that is sufficiently ambitious to give us the brownfield site to protect the greenfield and then green belt.
  • Sustainable Development (Supplementary) [1]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Can I just make one final suggestion which is, the danger is that you look at the individual schemes and say, `On that scheme we remediated pollution, on that scheme we had renewable energy' and there is no standing back to say, `Well overall, when we look at our total outputs as an agency, we can see whether we are making progress towards sustainable development'. So, some sort of annual snapshot stocktake would help and would help external stakeholders as well.
  • Sustainable Development (Supplementary) [2]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    In a sense that is the ideal in the ideal world. One would invest in an environmental technology business that creates the jobs, that gets a long-term unemployed person into work and so forth, so you get the virtuous circle of win win win. But in the real world there are choices and what I want to flush out is really how the Agency and the Board, perhaps from the top, reconciles some of the tensions. Let me take an example of affordable housing. I think from the statistics I have last year, there were something like 1,500 new affordable...
  • Sustainable Development (Supplementary) [3]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    I agree that is the ideal. I just think in the real world that is not always possible, certainly in the time frames that one is dealing with. Can you tell me what the role of the Health and Sustainability Advisory Group is, which I think is a new innovation and how does that fit into your governance structure?
  • Sustainable Development (Supplementary) [4]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    Thank you. Can you just remind me of your statutory responsibilities in relation to sustainable development? There is a provision in the Act.
  • Sustainable Development (Supplementary) [5]

    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    No, no because they are advisory, but do they make a regular report to the Board? Does the Board receive a report from the group?
  • Sustainable Development

    • Reference: 2006/0137-1
    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 11 October 2006
    What does the concept of sustainable development mean in practice to an agency whose remit is essentially economic? Please give one example of the difference made by the LDA's stated commitment to sustainable development.
  • Aftermath of a major incident

    • Reference: 2004/0374-1
    • Question by: Mike Tuffrey
    • Meeting date: 08 December 2004
    Are plans in place to deal with the aftermath of a major incident in any part of London, in particular with regards to the potential need to accommodate and provide for a large number of displaced Londoners?